CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 933
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 1148
     * Check if a specified Molecule's parameter or a term is used in the actual 
     * axiom as Instance, Relation or Datatype, or whether it is a Variable
    private boolean check(Object o, boolean concept, boolean instance, 
            boolean relation, boolean datatype, boolean variable) {
        if (o instanceof Molecule) {
            if (concept && checkConcepts(((Molecule) o).getLeftParameter())) {
                error = "Concept";
                return true;
            if (instance && checkInstances(((Molecule) o).getLeftParameter())) {
                error = "Instance";
                return true;
            else if (relation && checkRelations(((Molecule) o).getLeftParameter())) {
                error = "Relation";
                return true;
            else if (datatype && checkDatatypes(((Molecule) o).getLeftParameter())) {
                error = "Datatype";
                return true;
            else if (variable && (((Molecule) o).getLeftParameter() instanceof Variable)) {
                error = "Variable";
                return true;
        else if (o instanceof Term) {
            if (concept && checkConcepts(o)) {
                error = "Concept";
            if (instance && checkInstances(o)) {
                error = "Instance";
                return true;
            else if (relation && checkRelations(o)) {
                error = "Relation";
                return true;
            else if (datatype && checkDatatypes(o)) {
                error = "Datatype";
                return true;
            else if (variable && (o instanceof Variable)) {
                error = "Variable";
                return true;
        return false;
     * Checks if a specified Term is contained in the concepts vector
    private boolean checkConcepts(Object o) {
        return validator.getIdConcepts().contains(o);
     * Checks if a specified Term is contained in the instances vector
    private boolean checkInstances(Object o) {
        return validator.getIdInstances().contains(o);
     * Checks if a specified Term is contained in the relations vector
    private boolean checkRelations(Object o) {
        return validator.getIdRelations().contains(o);
     * Checks if a specified Term is contained in the abstract relations vector
    private boolean checkAbstractRelations(Object o) {
        return validator.getIdAbstractRelations().contains(o);
     * Checks if a specified Term is contained in the concrete relations vector
    private boolean checkConcreteRelations(Object o) {
        return validator.getIdConcreteRelations().contains(o);
     * Checks if a specified Term is contained in the datatypes vector
    private boolean checkDatatypes(Object o) {
        return ConstantTransformer.getInstance().isDataType(o.toString());
    public Set getMolecules() {

File Line
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/serializer/xml/WsmlXmlSerializer.java 90
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/serializer/rdf/WsmlRdfSerializer.java 146
        catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Serialize array of top entities to XML
     * @param item Entities to serialize
     * @param target Output
     * @param options Ignored
    public void serialize(TopEntity[] item, Writer target, Map options) throws IOException {
        serialize(item, target);

     * Serialize array of top entities to XML
     * @param item Entities to serialize
     * @param target Output
    public void serialize(TopEntity[] item, final StringBuffer target) {
        Writer myWriter = new Writer() {

            public void write(String arg0) throws IOException {

            public void write(String arg0, int arg1, int arg2) throws IOException {
                target.append(arg0.toCharArray(), arg1, arg2);

            public void write(int arg0) throws IOException {
                if (arg0 <= 255) {
                    target.append((char) arg0);
                else {
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[] {(byte) (arg0 & 0x00FF), (byte) (arg0 & 0xFF00)};
                    target.append(new String(bytes));

            public void write(char[] arg0) throws IOException {

            public void write(char[] arg0, int arg1, int arg2) throws IOException {
                target.append(arg0, arg1, arg2);

            public void flush() throws IOException {

            public void close() throws IOException {

        try {
            serialize(item, myWriter);
        catch (IOException e) {

     * Serialize array of top entities to XML
     * @param item Entities to serialize
     * @param target Output
     * @param options Ignored
    public void serialize(TopEntity[] item, StringBuffer target, Map options) {
        serialize(item, target);

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 293
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 261
        else {
            // the identifier must be an Instance
            if (check(expr.getLeftParameter(), true, false, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":" 
                        + "\nThe range identifier must be an Instance, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the arguments of a value definition attribute must be DataValues or Instances
            if (check(expr.getRightParameter(), true, false, true, false, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":\nThe arguments " +
                        "must be DataValues or Instances, " +
                        "not " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            else {
                // if the argument is a DataValue, the attribute's name must be a relation with concrete range
                if (checkDatatypes(expr.getRightParameter())) {
                    if (!checkConcreteRelations(expr.getAttribute())) {
                        addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ": \nThe name " +
                                "must be a relation with concrete range " +
                                "(because the argument is a DataValue)\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));   
                // if the argument is an instance, the attribute's name must be a relation with abstract range
                else if (checkInstances(expr.getRightParameter())) {
                    if (!checkAbstractRelations(expr.getAttribute())) {
                        addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ": \nThe name " +
                                "must be a relation with abstract range " +
                                "(because the argument is an instance)\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));   

     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullExpressionValidator#visitCompoundMolecule(org.omwg.logicalexpression.CompoundMolecule)
    public void visitCompoundMolecule(CompoundMolecule expr) {
//        System.out.println("\nCompoundMolecule in now: " + expr.toString());
        Iterator i = expr.listOperands().iterator();

     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullExpressionValidator#visitMemberShipMolecule(org.omwg.logicalexpression.MembershipMolecule)
    public void visitMemberShipMolecule(MembershipMolecule expr) {

File Line
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/owl/WSMLFromOWL.java 937
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/owl/WSMLFromOWL.java 1001
			String query = "select R from "+
			" {<"+uriStr+">} serql:directSubClassOf {R}, {R} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">}"
			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
				Resource element = (Resource)result.getValue(i, 0);
				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
				do {
					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
					if (pos < 0)
					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
				} while (true);
				ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);

		}catch (Exception e) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 202
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 218
        else {
            // the identifier must be a Concept
            if (check(expr.getLeftParameter(), false, true, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe range identifier must be a Concept, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the arguments of an infering attribute must be datatypes or concepts
            if (check(expr.getRightParameter(), false, true, true, false, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ": \nThe arguments " +
                        "must be Datatypes or Concepts, " +
                        "not " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            else { 
                // if the argument is a datatype, the attribute's name must be a relation with concrete range
                if (checkDatatypes(expr.getRightParameter())) {
                    if (!checkConcreteRelations(expr.getAttribute())) {
                        addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ": \nThe name " +
                                "must be a relation with concrete range " +
                                "(because the argument is a datatype)\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));   
                // if the argument is a concept, the attribute's name must be a relation with abstract range
                else if (checkConcepts(expr.getRightParameter())) {
                    if (!checkAbstractRelations(expr.getAttribute())) {
                        addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ": \nThe name " +
                                "must be a relation with abstract range " +
                                "(because the argument is a concept)\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));   

     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullExpressionValidator#visitAttributeValueMolecule(org.omwg.logicalexpression.AttributeValueMolecule)
    public void visitAttributeValueMolecule(AttributeValueMolecule expr) {

File Line
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/wsml/ParserImpl.java 150
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/parser/wsml/LogExprParserImpl.java 165
            e.setErrorLine(t.getLine() - 1);
            try {
                e.setExpectedToken(pe.getMessage().split("expecting: ")[1].trim());
            catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iobE) {
                //if error message does not follow usual pattern
            throw e;
        catch (org.wsmo.wsml.compiler.lexer.LexerException le) {
            ParserException e = new ParserException(ParserException.NOT_VALID_PARSETREE, le);
            try {
            catch (NumberFormatException nfE) {
                //could not find line so leave default
            try {
            catch (NumberFormatException nfE) {
                //could not find pos so leave default
            throw e;
        catch (IOException ioe) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 160
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 185
        else {
            // the identifier must be a Concept
            if (check(expr.getLeftParameter(), false, true, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe range identifier must be a Concept, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the arguments must be datatypes
            if (check(expr.getRightParameter(), true, true, true, false, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe arguments must be " +
                        "Datatypes, not " + error + "\n"  + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the attribute's name must be a Relation with concrete range
            if ((check(expr.getAttribute(), true, true, false, true, true))
                    || (!checkConcreteRelations(expr.getAttribute()))){
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":" 
                        + "\nThe name must be a Relation with concrete range, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));

     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullExpressionValidator#visitAttributeInferenceMolecule(org.omwg.logicalexpression.AttributeInferenceMolecule)
    public void visitAttributeInferenceMolecule(AttributeInferenceMolecule expr) {

File Line
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/owl/WSMLFromOWL.java 905
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/owl/WSMLFromOWL.java 979
			} else if (allRestrictions.containsKey(element)){
				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
				do {
					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
					if (pos < 0)
					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
				} while (true);
				try {
					ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
				} catch (ParserException pe) {
					throw new InvalidModelException(pe);
				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
		try {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/parser/rdf/RDFParserImpl.java 126
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/parser/xml/LogExprParserImpl.java 46
        Object o = map.get(Factory.WSMO_FACTORY);
        if (o == null || ! (o instanceof WsmoFactory)) {
            o = Factory.createWsmoFactory(new HashMap <String, Object> ());
        factory = (WsmoFactory)o;
        assert (factory != null);

        o = map.get(Factory.LE_FACTORY);
        if (o == null || ! (o instanceof LogicalExpressionFactory)) {
            o = Factory.createLogicalExpressionFactory(new HashMap <String, Object> ());
        leFactory = (LogicalExpressionFactory)o;
        assert (leFactory != null);

        o = map.get(Factory.DATA_FACTORY);
        if (o == null || ! (o instanceof DataFactory)) {
            o = Factory.createDataFactory(new HashMap <String, Object> ());
        dataFactory = (DataFactory)o;
        assert (dataFactory != null);

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 1129
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 1419
            List <Term> l = listMap.get(v1);
            if (l.contains(v2)) {
                return true;
            else {
                Iterator it = l.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    Variable v = (Variable) it.next(); 
                    for (int i=0; i<connected.size(); i++) {
                        if (v.equals(connected.get(i))) {
                            used = true;
                    if (!used) {
                        found = checkGraphConnected(v, v2);
                    if (found) {
                        return true;
                    used = false;
                return false;
         * Checks if a given graph contains a cycle. 
        private boolean checkGraphAcyclic(Variable from, Variable v, List checkList) {
            if ((numberOfMolecules + 1) == variables.size()) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/factory/DataFactoryImpl.java 292
org/deri/wsmo4j/factory/DataFactoryImpl.java 318
            if (cal.isSet(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)) {
                int zoneOffSetHour = cal.getTimeZone().getRawOffset() / 1000 / 60;
                int zoneOffSetMinute = cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) / 1000 % 60;
                return new SimpleDataValue[] {
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + zoneOffSetHour)),

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 414
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 380
        else {
            error = "";
            // the identifier must be a Concept
            if (check(expr.getLeftParameter(), false, true, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe identifier must be a Concept, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the arguments must be Concepts
            if (check(expr.getRightParameter(), false, true, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe arguments must be Concepts, " +
                        "not " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));

     * Checks if a Negation is valid to wsml-dl.
     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullExpressionValidator#visitNegation(org.omwg.logicalexpression.Negation)
    public void visitNegation(Negation expr) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 149
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 191
            + leSerializer.serialize(expr);
        // An AttributeInferenceMolecule is no valid right-hand side formula
        if (rhs) {      
            if (errorFlag) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_RHS_ERR + error);
        else if (lhs) {
            if (errorFlag) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_LHS_ERR + error);
        else {
            // the identifier must be a Concept
            if (check(expr.getLeftParameter(), false, true, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe range identifier must be a Concept, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the arguments of an infering attribute must be datatypes or concepts
            if (check(expr.getRightParameter(), false, true, true, false, true)) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 378
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 343
        else {
            // the identifier must be an Instance
            if (check(expr.getLeftParameter(), true, false, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":" 
                        + "\nThe identifier must be an Instance, " +
                        "not a " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
            // the arguments must be Concepts
            if (check(expr.getRightParameter(), false, true, true, true, true)) {
                addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_ATOMIC_ERR + ":"
                        + "\nThe arguments must be Concepts, " +
                        "not " + error + "\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));

     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullExpressionValidator#visitSubConceptMolecule(org.omwg.logicalexpression.SubConceptMolecule)
    public void visitSubConceptMolecule(SubConceptMolecule expr) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/AttributeErrorImpl.java 39
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/LogicalExpressionErrorImpl.java 44

     * Formats the String representation of the ValidationError.
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
        String id = "<Identifier>";
        //short id if possible:
        if (getEntity() != null) {
            id = getEntity().getIdentifier().toString();
            if (getEntity().getIdentifier()instanceof IRI) {
                id = ((IRI)getEntity().getIdentifier()).getLocalName();
        //short for variant if possible
        String shortVariant = getViolatesVariant();
        if (getViolatesVariant().lastIndexOf('/') != -1) {
            shortVariant =getViolatesVariant().substring(getViolatesVariant().lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        return id + "\n" + getReason() + 

File Line
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/owl/WSMLFromOWL.java 906
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/owl/WSMLFromOWL.java 943
				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
				do {
					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
					if (pos < 0)
					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
				} while (true);

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/logicalexpression/util/OntologyUtil.java 102
org/deri/wsmo4j/logicalexpression/util/OntologyUtil.java 137
		if (!attributeMap.isEmpty()) {
			Set entrySet = attributeMap.entrySet();
			Iterator itSet = entrySet.iterator();
			while (itSet.hasNext()) {
				Entry entry = (Entry) itSet.next();
				Term conId = (Term) entry.getKey();
				Term attId = (Term) entry.getValue();
				if (conId.equals(c)) {
					if (!attributeList.contains(attId)) {
		return attributeList;

	 * Collecting all instances from a given ontology.
	 * @param o Ontology to be checked for contained instances
	 * @return List of terms, identifying all instances from the ontology
	 * @throws InvalidModelException 
	 * @throws SynchronisationException 
	public static List getInstances(Ontology o) 

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/factory/DataFactoryImpl.java 296
org/deri/wsmo4j/factory/DataFactoryImpl.java 307
                return new SimpleDataValue[] {
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))),
                        createWsmlInteger(new BigInteger("" + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE))),
                        createWsmlDecimal(new BigDecimal(seconds))};

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 1108
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 1398
                    List <Term> l = itMol.next();
                    if (l.get(0).equals(v1)) {
                        v = (Variable) l.get(1);
                    else if (l.get(1).equals(v1)) {
                        v = (Variable) l.get(0);
                listMap.put(v1, list);
         * Checks if variable v1 is connected to variable v2.
        private boolean checkGraphConnected(Variable v1, Variable v2) {
            boolean found = false;
            boolean used = false;
            List <Term> l = listMap.get(v1);

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreValidator.java 94
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlRuleValidator.java 68

     * Checks if a concept is valid to wsml-rule.
     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullValidator#visitConcept(org.omwg.ontology.Concept)
    protected void visitConcept(Concept concept) {

     * Checks if an instance is valid to wsml-rule.
     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullValidator#visitInstance(org.omwg.ontology.Instance)
    protected void visitInstance(Instance instance) {

     * Checks if a relation is valid to wsml-rule.
     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullValidator#visitRelation(org.omwg.ontology.Relation)
    protected void visitRelation(Relation relation) {

     * Checks if a relation instance is valid to wsml-rule.
     * @throws InvalidModelException
     * @throws SynchronisationException
     * @see org.deri.wsmo4j.validator.WsmlFullValidator#visitRelationInstance(org.omwg.ontology.RelationInstance)
    protected void visitRelationInstance(RelationInstance relationInstance)
            throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
    public boolean isValid(LogicalExpression logExpr, List <ValidationError> errorMessages, List <ValidationWarning> warningMessages) {
    	super.isValid(logExpr, errorMessages, warningMessages);
    	errors = errorMessages;
    	warnings = warningMessages;

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/serializer/rdf/NodeValue.java 96
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/serializer/rdf/NodeValue.java 112
            ensure00(val.getArgumentValue((byte)1).getValue().toString()) + ":" +
        switch(val.getArity()) {
            case 4:
                return ret + ensure00(serializeTimezone(
            case 5:
                return ret + ensure00(serializeTimezone(
        return ret;
    private static String serializeDateTime(ComplexDataValue val) {

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlCoreExpressionValidator.java 1071
org/deri/wsmo4j/validator/WsmlDLExpressionValidator.java 1359
                    valid = checkGraphConnected(v1, v);
                    if (!valid) {
                        addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_GRAPH_ERR + ":\nGraph is " +
                                "not connected:\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
                        return false;
                // check if the given graph is acyclic  
                List <Variable> checkList = new Vector <Variable> ();
                valid = checkGraphAcyclic(v1, v1, checkList);
                if (valid) {
                    return true;
                else {
                    addError(expr, ValidationError.AX_GRAPH_ERR + ":\nGraph contains " +
                            "cycle:\n" + leSerializer.serialize(expr));
                    return false;

File Line
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/parser/rdf/RDFExprParser.java 974
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/parser/rdf/RDFExprParser.java 1068
            throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
        IRI iri = null;
        // check for spaces in names
        if (name.indexOf(" ") != -1) {
            name = name.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
            addWarning("No spaces allowed in identifiers! - Spaces in " +
                    "one or more instances identifiers " +
                    "have been replaced by '%20'!", statement);
        // check for anonymous ids
        try {
            iri = factory.createIRI(name);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            if(name.startsWith("node")) {
                iri = factory.createIRI("blank:" + name);
            } else {
                addWarning("Anonymous identifiers problem - One or more " +
                        "anonymous instances have not been added to " +
                        "the WSMO object model!", statement);
                return null;
        if (ontology.findInstance(iri) == null) {

File Line
com/ontotext/wsmo4j/parser/wsml/ParserImpl.java 50
org/deri/wsmo4j/io/parser/rdf/RDFParserImpl.java 125
    public RDFParserImpl(Map map) {
        Object o = map.get(Factory.WSMO_FACTORY);
        if (o == null || !(o instanceof WsmoFactory)) {
            o = Factory.createWsmoFactory(new HashMap <String, Object> ());
        factory = (WsmoFactory) o;
        assert (factory != null);

        o = map.get(Factory.LE_FACTORY);
        if (o == null || !(o instanceof LogicalExpressionFactory)) {
            o = Factory.createLogicalExpressionFactory(new HashMap <String, Object> ());