Class RulesRI

  extended by com.ontotext.wsmo4j.common.EntityImpl
      extended by org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule.RulesRI
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable, org.wsmo.common.Entity, OrchestrationRules

public class RulesRI
extends com.ontotext.wsmo4j.common.EntityImpl
implements OrchestrationRules, Iterable

Interface or class description

$Revision: 1851 $ $Date: 2006-10-24 18:01:07 +0300 (Tue, 24 Oct 2006) $
James Scicluna, Thomas Haselwanter Created on 06-Dec-2005 Committed by $Author: vassil_momtchev $ $Source: /cvsroot/wsmo4j/ext/orchestration/src/ri/org/deri/wsmo4j/orchestration/rule/,v $,

Constructor Summary
RulesRI(org.wsmo.common.Identifier id)
          Initializes the Rules container of orchestration Descriptions with the given Identifier
RulesRI(org.wsmo.common.Identifier id, Set<Rule> rules)
          Initializes the Rules container of orchestration Descriptions with the given Identifier and rules
Method Summary
 void addRule(Rule rule)
          Adds a rule to the choreography
 Iterator<Rule> iterator()
 Set<Rule> listRules()
          Returns Rules that make up this choreography.
 void removeRule(Rule rule)
          Removes the specified rule from the choreography
Methods inherited from class com.ontotext.wsmo4j.common.EntityImpl
addNFPValue, addNFPValue, equals, getIdentifier, hashCode, listNFPValues, listNFPValues, removeNFP, removeNFPValue, removeNFPValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.wsmo.common.Entity
addNFPValue, addNFPValue, getIdentifier, listNFPValues, listNFPValues, removeNFP, removeNFPValue, removeNFPValue

Constructor Detail


public RulesRI(org.wsmo.common.Identifier id)
Initializes the Rules container of orchestration Descriptions with the given Identifier

id - Identifier of the transition rules


public RulesRI(org.wsmo.common.Identifier id,
               Set<Rule> rules)
Initializes the Rules container of orchestration Descriptions with the given Identifier and rules

id - Identifier of the Rules Container
rules - A set of rules to be put in the container
Method Detail


public Set<Rule> listRules()
Description copied from interface: OrchestrationRules
Returns Rules that make up this choreography.

Specified by:
listRules in interface OrchestrationRules
Set of Rules


public void removeRule(Rule rule)
Description copied from interface: OrchestrationRules
Removes the specified rule from the choreography

Specified by:
removeRule in interface OrchestrationRules
rule - Rule object to be removed


public void addRule(Rule rule)
Description copied from interface: OrchestrationRules
Adds a rule to the choreography

Specified by:
addRule in interface OrchestrationRules
rule - Rule object to be added to the choreography


public Iterator<Rule> iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable

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