View Javadoc

1   /*
2    wsmo4j - a WSMO API and Reference Implementation
4    Copyright (c) 2004-2005, OntoText Lab. / SIRMA
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7    the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
8    Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
9    any later version.
10   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
13   details.
14   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
15   with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17   */
19  package org.omwg.ontology;
22  import java.util.*;
24  import org.wsmo.common.*;
25  import org.wsmo.common.exception.*;
28  /**
29   * Defines WSMO attribute. Attribute could be specified as Concept 
30   * Attribute (attribute which has no {link WsmlDataType} as range) or 
31   * Data Attribute.
32   * 
33   * @author not attributable
34   * @see Concept
35   * @author not attributable
36   * @version $Revision: 1946 $Date:  
37   */
38  public interface Attribute
39          extends Entity {
41      /**
42       * Returns the type of this attribute.
43       * @return true (constraining) / false (inferring)
44       */
45      boolean isConstraining();
47      /**
48       * Sets the type of this attribute.
49       * @param constraining true (constraining) / false (inferring)
50       */
51      void setConstraining(boolean constraining);
53      /**
54       * Returns the minimal cardinality constraint of this attribute.
55       * The cardinality option is only available to Concept Attributes.
56       * @return number indicating the minimal cardinality constraint
57       */
58      int getMinCardinality();
60      /**
61       * Sets the minimal cardinality constraint of this attribute.
62       * The cardinality option is only available to Concept Attributes.
63       * @param min  number indicating the minimal cardinality constraint
64       */
65      void setMinCardinality(int min);
67      /**
68       * Returns the maximal cardinality constraint of this attribute.
69       * The cardinality option is only available to Concept Attributes.
70       * @return number indicating the maximal cardinality constraint
71       */
72      int getMaxCardinality();
74      /**
75       * Sets the maximal cardinality constraint of this attribute.
76       * The cardinality option is only available to Concept Attributes.
77       * For specifiying unrestricted MAX cardinality use: Integer.MAX_VALUE.
78       * @return max  number indicating the maximal cardinality constraint
79       */
80      void setMaxCardinality(int max);
82      /**
83       * Returns the {@link Concept} described by this attribute.
84       * @return Concept
85       */
86      Concept getConcept();
88      /**
89       * Returns the list of allowed {@link Type} for the current attribute.
90       * @return Set of Type objects
91       */
92      Set <Type> listTypes();
94      /**
95       * Adds a new {@link Type} as range for this attribute.
96       * @param type  the Type to be added
97       * @throws InvalidModelException
98       */
99      void addType(Type type)
100             throws InvalidModelException;
102     /**
103      * Removes a {@link Type} for this attribute.
104      * @param type  the Type to be removed
105      * @throws InvalidModelException
106      */
107     void removeType(Type type)
108             throws InvalidModelException;
110     /**
111      * Returns if this attribute is defined as reflexive.
112      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues. 
113      * @return
114      */
115     boolean isReflexive();
117     /**
118      * Sets this attribute whether to be reflexive.
119      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues.
120      * @param reflexive  is reflexive
121      */
122     void setReflexive(boolean reflexive);
124     /**
125      * Returns if this attribute is defined as symmetric.
126      * When an attribute is specified as being symmetric, 
127      * this means that if an individual a has a symmetric attribute 
128      * att with value b, then b also has attribute att with value a.
129      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues. 
130      * @return
131      */
132     boolean isSymmetric();
134     /**
135      * Sets this attribute whether to be symmetric.
136      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues.
137      * @param symmetric  is reflexive
138      */
139     void setSymmetric(boolean symmetric);
141     /**
142      * Returns if this attribute is defined as transitive.
143      * When an attribute is specified as being transitive, 
144      * this means that if three individuals a, b and c are related 
145      * via a transitive attribute att in such a way: a att b att c 
146      * then c is also a value for the attribute att at a: a att c.
147      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues. 
148      * @return
149      */
150     boolean isTransitive();
152     /**
153      * Sets this attribute whether to be transitive.
154      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues.
155      * @param trans  is reflexive
156      */
157     void setTransitive(boolean trans);
159     /**
160      * Returns the inverse attribute of this attribute.
161      * When an attribute is specified as being the inverse of another 
162      * attribute, this means that if an individual a has an attribute 
163      * att1 with value b and att1 is the inverse of a certain 
164      * attribute att2, then it is inferred that b has an attribute 
165      * att2 with value a.
166      * This option is available only for the concept attribtues.
167      * @return null or the inverse attribute's identifier
168      */
169     Identifier getInverseOf();
171     /**
172      * Sets this attribute to be inverse of another attribute. 
173      * @param id  attribute to be set as inverse of or null to remove 
174      * the current inverse attribute
175      */
176     void setInverseOf(Identifier id);
178     /**
179      * @supplierCardinality 0..*
180      * @directed
181      * @supplierRole has-type*/
182     /*# Type lnkType; */
183 }
185 /*
186  * $Log$
187  * Revision 1.19  2007/04/02 12:13:14  morcen
188  * Generics support added to wsmo-api, wsmo4j and wsmo-test
189  *
190  * Revision 1.18  2006/02/16 09:47:30  vassil_momtchev
191  * setInverseOf uses Identifier instead of Attribute
192  *
193  * Revision 1.17  2006/02/15 10:51:48  holgerlausen
194  * added javadoc hint to max cardinality
195  *
196  * Revision 1.16  2005/09/26 08:36:20  vassil_momtchev
197  * javadoc, header and footer added
198  *
199 */