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1   /*
2    wsmo4j - a WSMO API and Reference Implementation
4    Copyright (c) 2004-2005, OntoText Lab. / SIRMA
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7    the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
8    Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
9    any later version.
10   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
13   details.
14   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
15   with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17   */
19  package com.ontotext.wsmo4j.ontology;
21  /**
22   * <p>Title: WSMO4J</p>
23   * <p>Description: WSMO API and a Reference Implementation</p>
24   * <p>Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2004-2005</p>
25   * <p>Company: OntoText Lab. / SIRMA </p>
26   * @author not attributable
27   * @version 1.0
28   *
29   */
31  import java.util.*;
33  import org.omwg.ontology.*;
34  import org.wsmo.common.*;
35  import org.wsmo.common.exception.*;
38  public class RelationImpl extends OntologyElementImpl
39          implements Relation {
41      private LinkedHashSet <Relation> superRelations;
43      private LinkedHashSet <Relation> subRelations;
45      private LinkedHashSet <RelationInstance> relInstances;
47      private final static String ERROR_CYCLE = "Cycle in relation hierarchy detected!";
49      private List <Parameter> parameters;
51      public RelationImpl(Identifier thisID) {
52          super(thisID);
53          superRelations = new LinkedHashSet <Relation> ();
54          subRelations = new LinkedHashSet <Relation> ();
55          relInstances = new LinkedHashSet <RelationInstance> ();
56          parameters = new LinkedList <Parameter> ();
57      }
59      public Set <Relation> listSuperRelations() throws SynchronisationException {
60          return Collections.unmodifiableSet(superRelations);
61      }
63      public void addSuperRelation(Relation relation)
64              throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
65          if (relation == null) {
66              throw new InvalidModelException();
67          }
68          if (checkInheritanceCycles(relation)) {
69              throw new InvalidModelException(ERROR_CYCLE);
70          }
71          superRelations.add(relation);
72          // establishing the reverse connection
73          if (false == relation.listSubRelations().contains(this)) { 
74              relation.addSubRelation(this);
75          }
76      }
78      public void removeSuperRelation(Relation relation)
79              throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
80          if (relation == null) {
81              throw new InvalidModelException();
82          }
83          superRelations.remove(relation);
84          // removing the reverse connection
85          if (relation.listSubRelations().contains(this)) { 
86              relation.removeSubRelation(this);
87          }
88      }
90      public Set <RelationInstance> listRelationInstances() throws SynchronisationException {
91          return Collections.unmodifiableSet(relInstances);
92      }
94      public void addRelationInstance(RelationInstance instance)
95              throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
96          if (instance == null) {
97              throw new InvalidModelException();
98          }
99          relInstances.add(instance);
100         if (instance.getRelation() != this) {
101             instance.setRelation(this);
102         }
103     }
105     public void removeRelationInstance(RelationInstance instance)
106             throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
107         if (instance == null) {
108             throw new InvalidModelException();
109         }
110         relInstances.remove(instance);
111     }
113     public Set <Relation> listSubRelations() throws SynchronisationException {
114         return Collections.unmodifiableSet(subRelations);
115     }
117     public void addSubRelation(Relation relation)
118             throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
119         if (relation == null) {
120             throw new InvalidModelException();
121         }
122         subRelations.add(relation);
123         // establishing the reverse connection
124         if (false == relation.listSuperRelations().contains(this)) { 
125             relation.addSuperRelation(this);
126         }
127     }
129     public void removeSubRelation(Relation relation)
130             throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
131         if (relation == null) {
132             throw new InvalidModelException();
133         }
134         subRelations.remove(relation);
135         // removing the reverse connection
136         if (relation.listSuperRelations().contains(this)) { 
137             relation.removeSuperRelation(this);
138         }
139     }
141     public List <Parameter> listParameters() throws SynchronisationException {
142         return Collections.unmodifiableList(parameters);
143     }
145     /**
146      * The positioning of the parameters is zero-based, i.e. the first parameter
147      * is at position 0. The initial order of parameters creation must be
148      * succesive, starting from the 0th position. Any other order raises an
149      * InvalidModelException. If this method is called more than once for a
150      * certain position, only the parameter created on the last call is
151      * preserved - all the rest are discarded.
152      * 
153      * @param pos
154      *            The position of the new Parameter for this Relation
155      * @throws org.wsmo.common.exception.InvalidModelException
156      * @return The newly created Parameter
157      */
158     public Parameter createParameter(byte pos)
159             throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
160         if (pos < 0 || pos > parameters.size()) {
161             throw new InvalidModelException();
162         }
163         Parameter param = new ParameterImpl(this);
164         if (pos == parameters.size()) {
165             parameters.add(param);
166         }
167         else {
168             parameters.set(pos, param);
169         }
170         return param;
171     }
173     /**
174      * retrieve the parameter at a given position
175      * Note: the parameter must already exist (e.g. a call to createParameter() must precede this call)
176      * @param pos The position of the parameter in interest
177      * @return a reference to the Parameter
178      * @throws org.wsmo.common.exception.SynchronisationException
179      * @see #createParameter(byte pos)
180      */
181     public Parameter getParameter(byte pos)
182             throws SynchronisationException {
183         if (pos < 0 
184                 || pos > parameters.size()-1) {
185             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
186         }
187         return parameters.get(pos);
188     }
190     /**
191      * The positioning of the parameters is zero-based, i.e. the first parameter
192      * is at position 0. The removal of parameters can only be performed from the
193      * end of the list. Trying to remove a parameter followed by another parameter
194      * will raise an exception. 
195      * @param param The parameter to be removed 
196      * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
197      */
199     public void removeParameter(Parameter param)
200             throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
201         if (parameters.size() == 0 
202                 || false == parameters.get(parameters.size()-1).equals(param)) {
203             throw new InvalidModelException();
204         }
205         parameters.remove(param);
206     }
208     /**
209      * The positioning of the parameters is zero-based, i.e. the first parameter
210      * is at position 0. The removal of parameters can only be performed from the
211      * end of the list. Trying to remove a parameter followed by another parameter
212      * will raise an exception. 
213      * @param pos The position of the parameter to be removed 
214      * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
215      */
217     public void removeParameter(byte pos) 
218             throws SynchronisationException, InvalidModelException {
219         if (pos < 0 || parameters.size() != pos+1) {
220             throw new InvalidModelException();
221         }
222         parameters.remove(pos);
223     }
225     public boolean equals(Object object) {
226         if (object == this) {
227             return true; // instance match
228         }
229         if (object == null 
230                 || false == object instanceof Relation) {
231             return false;
232         }
233         return super.equals(object);
234     }
236     private boolean checkInheritanceCycles(Relation relation) {
237         if (relation.equals(this))
238             return true;
240         for (Iterator i = relation.listSuperRelations().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
241             Relation superRelation = (Relation);
242             if (checkInheritanceCycles(superRelation))
243                 return true;
244         }
246         return false;
247     }
249 }
251 /*
252  * $Log$
253  * Revision 1.21  2007/04/02 12:13:21  morcen
254  * Generics support added to wsmo-api, wsmo4j and wsmo-test
255  *
256  * Revision 1.20  2006/03/23 16:12:13  nathaliest
257  * moving the anon Id check to the validator
258  *
259  * Revision 1.19  2006/02/27 10:22:58  nathaliest
260  * added anonId check at relation.addXXXRelation(Relation)
261  *
262  * Revision 1.18  2005/09/15 14:59:41  vassil_momtchev
263  * cycles in the inheritance hierarchy are not allowed - checkInheritanceCycles method implemented; imports organized;
264  *
265  * Revision 1.17  2005/06/25 13:16:50  damyan_rm
266  * fixed getParameter() to avoid throwing Exception in case that index is correct
267  *
268  * Revision 1.16  2005/06/22 09:16:06  alex_simov
269  * Simplified equals() method. Identity strongly relies on identifier string
270  *
271  * Revision 1.15  2005/06/03 13:02:12  alex_simov
272  * fix
273  *
274  * Revision 1.14  2005/06/01 12:09:33  marin_dimitrov
275  * v0.4.0
276  *
277  * Revision 1.3  2005/05/17 12:04:57  alex
278  * Collections.unmodifiableSet() used instead of new set construction
279  *
280  * Revision 1.2  2005/05/16 08:49:31  alex
281  * implementation method getParameter(byte) added
282  *
283  * Revision 1.1  2005/05/12 09:20:13  alex
284  * initial commit
285  *
286  */