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1   /*
2    wsmo4j - a WSMO API and Reference Implementation
4    Copyright (c) 2004-2005, OntoText Lab. / SIRMA
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7    the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
8    Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
9    any later version.
10   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
13   details.
14   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
15   with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17   */
19  package com.ontotext.wsmo4j.parser.owl;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
24  import java.util.*;
26  import;
27  import org.omwg.ontology.*;
28  import org.openrdf.model.*;
29  import org.openrdf.model.Value;
30  import org.openrdf.sesame.Sesame;
31  import org.openrdf.sesame.admin.StdOutAdminListener;
32  import org.openrdf.sesame.config.AccessDeniedException;
33  import org.openrdf.sesame.config.ConfigurationException;
34  import org.openrdf.sesame.constants.QueryLanguage;
35  import org.openrdf.sesame.constants.RDFFormat;
36  import org.openrdf.sesame.query.QueryResultsTable;
37  import org.openrdf.sesame.repository.local.LocalRepository;
38  import org.openrdf.sesame.sail.*;
39  import org.wsmo.common.*;
40  import org.wsmo.common.Namespace;
41  import org.wsmo.common.exception.InvalidModelException;
42  import org.wsmo.common.exception.SynchronisationException;
43  import org.wsmo.factory.*;
44  import org.wsmo.wsml.ParserException;
46  /**
47   * <p>Title: WSMO4J</p>
48   * <p>Description: WSMO API and a Reference Implementation - OWL processing utility class</p>
49   * <p>Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2004-2005</p>
50   * <p>Company: OntoText Lab. / SIRMA </p>
51   * @author not attributable
52   * @version 1.0
53   *
54   */
55  public class WSMLFromOWL  {
57  	LocalRepository _repository;
58  	WsmoFactory _factory;
59  	LogicalExpressionFactory _leFactory;
60  	DataFactory _dataFactory;
62  	String allOntologiesQuery = "select O from {O} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Ontology+">}";
64  	String importedOntologyQuery = 
65  		"select Y from {O} rdf:type {<" + OWLConstants.OWL_Ontology + ">} "+
66  		",{O} <" + OWLConstants.OWL_imports + "> {Y}";
68  	String classesQuery = "select X from {X} rdf:type {rdfs:Class}";
70  	String mainOntology = 
71  		"select O from {O} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Ontology+">} "+
72  		" ,[ {} P {O} ] where P = null and O != <>";
74  	String annotationsQuery = "select X from {X} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_AnnotationProperty+">}";
76  	String annotationsOntoPropsQuery = "select X from {X} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_OntologyProperty+">}";
78  	String restrictionsQuery = "select X from {X} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">}";
80  	String SEQHeadsQuery = "select X from "+
81  		"[{} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_distinctMembers+"> {X}], "+
82  		"[{} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_intersectionOf+"> {X}], "+
83  		"[{} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_unionOf+"> {X}], "+
84  		"[{} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_complementOf+"> {X}], "+
85  		"[{} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_oneOf+"> {X}] ";
87  	String propertiesQuery = "select X from {X} rdf:type {rdf:Property}";
89  	IRI dcSameAs = null;	
90  	public WSMLFromOWL(WsmoFactory _factory, LogicalExpressionFactory _leFactory, DataFactory _dataFactory) {
91  		if (_factory == null)
92  			_factory = Factory.createWsmoFactory(null);
93  		this._factory = _factory;
94  		// use the default
95  		if (_leFactory == null)
96  			_leFactory = Factory.createLogicalExpressionFactory(null);
97  		this._leFactory = _leFactory;
99  		if (_dataFactory == null)
100 			_dataFactory = Factory.createDataFactory(null);
101 		this._dataFactory = _dataFactory;
103 		try {
104 			_repository = Sesame.getService().createRepository("owl_helper", true);
105 			RdfSchemaRepository _src =(RdfSchemaRepository)_repository.getSail();
106 			ValueFactory fact =_src.getValueFactory();
107 			URI owlCls = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_Class); 
108 			URI rdfsCls = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDFS_Class); 
109 			URI rdfsSubCls = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDFS_subClassOf); 
110 			URI owlDataTypeProp = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_DatatypeProperty);
111 			URI owlObjectProp = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_ObjectProperty); 
112 			URI rdfProp = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDF_Property); 
113 			_src.startTransaction();
114 			_src.addStatement(owlCls, rdfsSubCls, rdfsCls);
115 			_src.addStatement(owlObjectProp, rdfsSubCls, rdfProp);
116 			_src.addStatement(owlDataTypeProp, rdfsSubCls, rdfProp);
117 			_src.commitTransaction();
119 		} catch (SailUpdateException sue) {
120 			throw new RuntimeException("bad configuration", sue);
121 		} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
122 			// TODO: handle exception
123 			throw new RuntimeException("bad configuration", e);
124 		}
125 	}
127 	public void addData(Reader content, String baseURL) {
128 		assert baseURL != null;
129 		StdOutAdminListener listener = new StdOutAdminListener();
130 		try {
131 			_repository.addData(content, baseURL, RDFFormat.RDFXML, false, listener);
132 		} catch (IOException e1) {
133 			e1.printStackTrace();
134 		} catch (AccessDeniedException e2) {
135 			e2.printStackTrace();
136 		}
137 	}
139 	void collectNodesInSEQ(Resource v, Collection here){
140 		try {
141 			Resource next = null;
142 			do {
143 				if (next != null)
144 					v = next;
145 				next = null;
146 				StatementIterator iter = v.getSubjectStatements();
147 				while (iter.hasNext()) {
148 					Statement st =;
149 					if (0==st.getPredicate().getURI().compareTo(Constants.RDF_first)) {
150 						Value val = st.getObject();
151 						here.add(val);
152 					}
153 					else if (0==st.getPredicate().getURI().compareTo(Constants.RDF_rest))
154 						next = (Resource)st.getObject();
155 				}
156 				iter.close();
157 			} while(next != null);
158 		} catch (Exception e) {
159 			e.printStackTrace();
160 		}
161 	}
165 	void initial_collect() {
166 		//HashMap theClasses = new HashMap();
167 		ArrayList theCollection = new ArrayList();
168 		try {
169 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, SEQHeadsQuery);
170 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
171 				theCollection.add(result.getValue(i, 0));
173 				ArrayList here = new ArrayList();
174 				collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)result.getValue(i, 0),  here);	
176 			}
177 		} catch (Exception e) {
178 			e.printStackTrace();
179 		}
180 	}
182 	String xForm(String val){
183 		int pos = val.indexOf('#');
184 		if (pos < 0 || pos == val.length())
185 			return VisitorSerializeWSMLTerms.escapeNonSQNameSymbols(val);
186 		//find
187 		Iterator iter = theOntology.listNamespaces().iterator();
188 		while (iter.hasNext()) {
189 			Namespace ns = (Namespace);
190 			if(ns.getIRI().toString().startsWith( val.substring(0,pos))) {
191 				return VisitorSerializeWSMLTerms.escapeNonSQNameSymbols(
192                         ns.getPrefix()+val.substring(pos)); 
193 			}
194 		}
195 		Namespace ns = theOntology.getDefaultNamespace();
196 		if(ns.getIRI().toString().startsWith( val.substring(0,pos))) {
197 			return VisitorSerializeWSMLTerms.escapeNonSQNameSymbols(
198                     val.substring(pos+1)); 
199 		}
200 		return "_\""+val+"\"";
201 	}
203 	DataValue createDataValueFromLiteral(Literal literal) {
204 		WsmlDataType type = null;
205 		URI data = literal.getDatatype();
206 		if (data != null) {
207 			try {
208 				type = _dataFactory.createWsmlDataType(data.toString());
209 			} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
210 				return _dataFactory.createWsmlString(literal.getLabel()); 
211 			}
212 			try {
213 				return _dataFactory.createDataValueFromJavaObject(type, literal.getLabel());
214 			} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
215 				String lit = literal.getLabel();
216 				try {
217 					return _dataFactory.createWsmlInteger(lit);
218 				} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
219 					try {
220 						return _dataFactory.createWsmlDecimal(lit);
221 					} catch (NumberFormatException nfe2) {
222 						return _dataFactory.createWsmlString(lit);
223 					}
224 				}
225 			}
226 		} else {
227 			String lit = literal.getLabel();
228 			try {
229 				return _dataFactory.createWsmlInteger(lit);
230 			} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
231 				try {
232 					return _dataFactory.createWsmlDecimal(lit);
233 				} catch (NumberFormatException nfe2) {
234 					return _dataFactory.createWsmlString(lit);
235 				}
236 			}
237 		}
238 /*		String foo = '"'+literal.getLabel()+'"';
239 		if (data != null)
240 			foo = foo + "^^"+data.toString();
241 		return WSMLAnalyser.createDataValue(foo);
242 		*/
243 	}
245 	int carinalities = 1;
247 	void WSMLminCardinalityExpr(StringBuffer result, String prop, int card){
248 		result.append("?x memberOf |class| implies exists ");
249 		ArrayList distinctVars = new ArrayList();
250 		if (card > 1) 
251 			result.append('{');
252 		for (int i = 0; i < card; i++) {
253 			String var = "?y"+(i+1);
254 			distinctVars.add(var);
255 			if (i > 0)
256 				result.append(", ");
257 			result.append(var);
258 		}
259 		if (card > 1) 
260 			result.append('}');
261 		result.append("( ?x[");
263 //		result.append("pnew"+(++carinalities)+"(?x) :- ?x memberOf |class| and ?x[");
264 		for (int i = 0; i < card; i++) {
265 			if (i > 0)
266 				result.append(", ");
267 			result.append(prop + " hasValue "+distinctVars.get(i));
268 		} 
269 		result.append("]");
271 		if (card > 1) {
272 			for (int i = 0; i < distinctVars.size()-1; i++) {
273 				for (int j = i+1; j < distinctVars.size(); j++) {
274 					result.append(" and "+distinctVars.get(i)+" != "+distinctVars.get(j));
275 				}				 
276 			}
277 		}				 
278 		result.append(").\n");
279 //		result.append(".\n	!- ?x memberOf |class| and naf pnew"+carinalities+"(?x).\n");
280 	}
282 	void WSMLmaxCardinalityExpr(StringBuffer result, String prop, int card){
283 		result.append("?x memberOf |class| implies exists ");
284 //		result.append("!- ?x memberOf |class| and ?x[");
285 		ArrayList distinctVars = new ArrayList();
286 		if (card > 0)
287 			result.append('{');
289 		for (int i = 0; i <= card; i++) {
290 			String var = "?y"+(i+1);
291 			distinctVars.add(var);
292 			if (i > 0)
293 				result.append(", ");
294 			result.append(var);
295 		} 
296 		if (card > 0)
297 			result.append('}');
298 		result.append("( ?x[");
300 		for (int i = 0; i <= card; i++) {
301 			if (i > 0)
302 				result.append(", ");
303 			result.append(prop + " hasValue "+distinctVars.get(i));
304 		}
305 		result.append("] ");
307 		boolean bComma= false;
308 		if (card > 0) {
309 			result.append("and (");
310 			for (int i = 0; i < distinctVars.size()-1; i++) {
311 				for (int j = i+1; j < distinctVars.size(); j++) {
312 					if (bComma)
313 						result.append(" or ");
314 					bComma = true;
315 					result.append(distinctVars.get(i)+" = "+distinctVars.get(j));
316 				}				 
317 			}
318 			result.append(")");
319 		}				 
320 		result.append(" ).\n");
321 	}
323 	void helperXXXValuesFromBody(StringBuffer result, Value argument) {
324 		StatementIterator iter2 = null;
325 		try {
326 			iter2 = ((Resource)argument).getSubjectStatements();
328 			boolean anRestrictionAsargument = false;
329 			URI restrictionOnProperty = null;
330 			URI restrictionKind = null;
331 			Value restrictionKindValue = null;
333 			while (iter2.hasNext()) {
334 				Statement st =;
335 				String pred = st.getPredicate().getURI();
336 				if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_intersectionOf)) {
337 					//intersection
338 					handleSetClass((Resource)argument);
339 					ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
340 					collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)st.getObject(), list);
341 					boolean bFirst = true;
342 					for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
343 						Resource r = (Resource);
345 						if (r instanceof URI) {
346 						    if (bFirst == false) {
347 	                            result.append(" and ");
348 						    }
349 							result.append("?y1 memberOf "+xForm(((URI)r).getURI()));
350 						} else {
351                             throw new RuntimeException("Nested " + OWLConstants.OWL_intersectionOf + " Not supported");
352                         }
353 						bFirst = false;
354 					} 
355 					break;
356 				} else if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_unionOf)) {
357 					//union
358 					handleSetClass((Resource)argument);
359 					ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
360 					collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)st.getObject(), list);
361 					boolean bFirst = true;
362 					for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
363 						Resource r = (Resource);
365 						if (r instanceof URI) {
366 						    if (bFirst == false)
367 	                            result.append(" or ");
368 							result.append("?y1 memberOf "+xForm(((URI)r).getURI()));
369 						} else {
370                             throw new RuntimeException("Nested " + OWLConstants.OWL_unionOf + " Not supported");
371                         }
372 						bFirst = false;
373 					} 
374 					break;
375 				} else if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_oneOf)) {
376 					//oneOf
377 					handleSetClass((Resource)argument);
378 					ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
379 					collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)st.getObject(), list);
380 					boolean bFirst = true;
381 					for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
382 						Resource r = (Resource);
384 						if (r instanceof URI) {
385 						    if (bFirst == false)
386 	                            result.append(" or ");
387 							result.append("?y1 = "+xForm(((URI)r).getURI()));
388 						} else {
389                             throw new RuntimeException("Nested " + OWLConstants.OWL_oneOf + " Not supported");
390                         }
391 						bFirst = false;
392 					} 
393 					break;
394 				} if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_complementOf)) {
395 					// complemnt
396 					handleSetClass((Resource)argument);
397 					result.append("not ?y1 memberOf "+xForm(((URI)st.getObject()).getURI()));
398 					break;
399 				} if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_onProperty)) {
400 					restrictionOnProperty = (URI)st.getObject();
401 				} if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_hasValue)) {
402 					restrictionKind = (URI)st.getPredicate();
403 					restrictionKindValue = (URI)st.getObject();
404 				} if (0==pred.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_allValuesFrom)) {
405 					restrictionKind = (URI)st.getPredicate();
406 					restrictionKindValue = st.getObject();						
407 				} else if (0==pred.compareTo(Constants.RDF_type) &&
408 						0==OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction.compareTo(st.getObject().toString())) {
409 					anRestrictionAsargument = true;
410 				}
411 			} // while statements
412 			if (anRestrictionAsargument) {
413 				if (0==restrictionKind.getLocalName().compareTo("hasValue")) {
414 					String value = null;
415 					if (restrictionKindValue instanceof URI) {
416 						value = xForm(((URI)restrictionKindValue).getURI()); 
417 					} else if (restrictionKindValue instanceof Literal) {
418 						Literal literal = (Literal)restrictionKindValue;
419 						value = createDataValueFromLiteral(literal).toString();
420 					}
421 					result.append("?y1["+xForm(restrictionOnProperty.getURI())+" hasValue "+value+"]");
422 				} else if (0==restrictionKind.getLocalName().compareTo("allValuesFrom")) {
423 					StatementIterator collFind = null;
424 					ArrayList enumeratedClass = new ArrayList(); 
425 					try {
426 						collFind = ((Resource)restrictionKindValue).getSubjectStatements();
427 						while (collFind.hasNext()) {
428 							Statement st =;
429 							if (0==st.getPredicate().getLocalName().compareTo("oneOf")) {
430 								collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)st.getObject(), enumeratedClass);
431 								break;
432 							}
433 						}
434 					} catch (Exception e) {
435 						e.printStackTrace();
436 					} finally {
437 						collFind.close();
438 					}
439 					boolean bcomma = false;
440 					for (Iterator iterEnum = enumeratedClass.iterator(); iterEnum.hasNext();){
441 						if (bcomma)
442 							result.append(" or ");
443 						Value inst = (Value);
444 						String value = null;
445 						if (inst instanceof URI) {
446 							value = xForm(((URI)inst).getURI()); 
447 						} else if (inst instanceof Literal) {
448 							Literal literal = (Literal)inst;
449 							value = createDataValueFromLiteral(literal).toString();
450 						}
452 						result.append ("?y1["+xForm(restrictionOnProperty.getURI())+ " hasValue "+value+"]");
453 						bcomma = true;
454 					}
456 				} else {
457 					throw new RuntimeException("restrictionKind "+restrictionKind.getURI()+"not supported!");
458 				}
459 			}
460 		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
461 		    throw e;
462 		} catch (Exception e) {
463 			e.printStackTrace();
464 		} finally {
465 			iter2.close();
466 		}
467 	}
468 	void WSMLRestrictionBuilder(StringBuffer result, Resource restriction, URI onProperty, String kind, Value argument) {
469 		if (0 == kind.compareTo("cardinality")) {
470 			if (!(argument instanceof Literal))
471 				return ; 
472 			Literal arg = (Literal)argument;
473 			String value = arg.getLabel();
474 			int card = 0;
475 			try {
476 				card = Integer.parseInt(value);
477 			} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
478 				//@todo: better error handling: bad value as cardinality passed
479 				return ; 
480 			}
481 			if (card <= 0) {
482 				//@todo: better error handling: bad value as cardinality passed
483 				return;
484 			}
485 			String prop = xForm(onProperty.getURI());
486 			WSMLminCardinalityExpr(result, prop, card);
487 			WSMLmaxCardinalityExpr(result, prop, card);
488 		} else if (0 == kind.compareTo("minCardinality")) {
489 			if (!(argument instanceof Literal))
490 				return ; 
491 			Literal arg = (Literal)argument;
492 			String value = arg.getLabel();
493 			int card = 0;
494 			try {
495 				card = Integer.parseInt(value);
496 			} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
497 				//@todo: better error handling: bad value as cardinality passed
498 				return ; 
499 			}
500 			String prop = xForm(onProperty.getURI());
501 			WSMLminCardinalityExpr(result, prop, card);
502 		} else if (0 == kind.compareTo("maxCardinality")) {
503 			if (!(argument instanceof Literal))
504 				return ; 
505 			Literal arg = (Literal)argument;
506 			String value = arg.getLabel();
507 			int card = 0;
508 			try {
509 				card = Integer.parseInt(value);
510 			} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
511 				//@todo: better error handling: bad value as cardinality passed
512 				return ; 
513 			}
514 			String prop = xForm(onProperty.getURI());
515 			WSMLmaxCardinalityExpr(result, prop, card);
516 		} else if (0 == kind.compareTo("hasValue")) {
517 			String value = null;
518 			if (argument instanceof URI) {
519 				value = xForm(((URI)argument).getURI()); 
520 			} else if (argument instanceof Literal) {
521 				Literal literal = (Literal)argument;
522 				value = createDataValueFromLiteral(literal).toString();
523 			}
524 			result.append("?x memberOf |class| implies ?x["+xForm(onProperty.getURI())+" hasValue "+value+"].\n");
525 		} else if(0 == kind.compareTo("someValuesFrom")) {
526 			result.append("?x memberOf |class| implies exists ?y1 (?x["+xForm(onProperty.getURI())+" hasValue ?y1] and (");
527 			if (argument instanceof URI)
528 				result.append("?y1 memberOf "+xForm(((URI)argument).getURI()));
529 			else {
530 				helperXXXValuesFromBody(result, argument);
531 			}
532 			result.append(") ).\n");
533 		} else if (0 == kind.compareTo("allValuesFrom")) {
535 			result.append("?x memberOf |class| and ?x["+xForm(onProperty.getURI())+" hasValue ?y1] implies (");
536 			//?lhs(C, xnew) "
537 			if (argument instanceof URI)
538 				result.append("?y1 memberOf "+xForm(((URI)argument).getURI())+").\n");
539 			else {
540 				helperXXXValuesFromBody(result, argument);
541 				result.append(" ).\n");
543 			} // else
545 		}	
546 	}
548 	HashMap allRestrictions;
550 	void handleRestrictionOnProperty() {
551 		allRestrictions = new HashMap();
552 		String query = "select R, P, card, minc, maxc, hasv, some, allv  from "+
553 			"{R} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">} "+
554 			", {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_onProperty+"> {P} "+
555 			",[ {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_cardinality+"> {card} ] "+
556 			",[ {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_minCardinality+"> {minc} ] "+
557 			",[ {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_maxCardinality+"> {maxc} ] "+
558 			",[ {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_hasValue+"> {hasv} ] "+
559 			",[ {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_someValuesFrom+"> {some} ]"+
560 			",[ {R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_allValuesFrom+"> {allv} ] "
561 			;
562 		try {
563 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
564 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
565 				Resource restr = (Resource)result.getValue(i, 0);
566 				StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
568 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 2)) {
569 					WSMLRestrictionBuilder(out, restr, (URI)result.getValue(i, 1), "cardinality", result.getValue(i, 2));
570 				}
572 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 3)) {
573 					WSMLRestrictionBuilder(out, restr, (URI)result.getValue(i, 1), "minCardinality", result.getValue(i, 3));
574 				}
576 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 4)) {
577 					WSMLRestrictionBuilder(out, restr, (URI)result.getValue(i, 1), "maxCardinality", result.getValue(i, 4));
578 				}
580 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 5)){
581 					WSMLRestrictionBuilder(out, restr, (URI)result.getValue(i, 1), "hasValue", result.getValue(i, 5));
582 				}
584 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 6)) {
585 					WSMLRestrictionBuilder(out, restr, (URI)result.getValue(i, 1), "someValuesFrom", (Resource)result.getValue(i, 6));
586 				}
588 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 7)) {
589 					WSMLRestrictionBuilder(out, restr, (URI)result.getValue(i, 1), "allValuesFrom", (Resource)result.getValue(i, 7));
591 				}
593 				if (out.length() == 0) {
594 					continue;
595 				}
597 				allClasses.remove(restr);
598 				allRestrictions.put(restr, out.toString());
599 			}
600 			result = null;
601 		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
602 		    throw e;
603 		} catch (Exception e) {
604 			e.printStackTrace();
605 		}
606 	}
608 	HashMap defaultClasses = new HashMap();
609 	HashMap defaultProperties = new HashMap();
611 	void collectDefaultClasses() {
612 		defaultClasses.clear();
613 		try {
614 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, classesQuery);
615 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
616 				defaultClasses.put(result.getValue(i, 0), result.getValue(i, 0));
617 			}
618 			result = null;
619 		} catch (Exception e) {
620 			e.printStackTrace();
621 		}
622 	}
624 	void collectDefaultProperties() {
625 		defaultProperties.clear();
626 		try {
627 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, propertiesQuery);
628 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
629 				defaultProperties.put(result.getValue(i, 0), result.getValue(i, 0));
630 			}
631 			result = null;
632 		} catch (Exception e) {
633 			e.printStackTrace();
634 		}
635 	}
637 	HashMap setClasses = new HashMap();
638 	void handleSetClass(Resource node) {
639 		setClasses.put(node, node);
640 		allClasses.remove(node);
641 	} 
643 	HashMap allClasses;
645 	void handleClasses(){
646 		allClasses = new HashMap();
647 		try {
648 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, classesQuery);
649 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
650 			Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
651 				if (null == defaultClasses.get(v))
652 					allClasses.put(v,v);
653 			}
654 			result = null;
655 		} catch (Exception e) {
656 			e.printStackTrace();
657 		}
658 	}
660 	HashMap allProperties;
662 	void handleProperties(){
663 		allProperties = new HashMap();
664 		try {
665 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, propertiesQuery);
666 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
667 			Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
668 				if (null == defaultProperties.get(v))
669 					allProperties.put(v,v);
670 			}
671 			result = null;
672 		} catch (Exception e) {
673 			e.printStackTrace();
674 		}
675 	}
677 	HashMap allInstances;
679 	void handleInstances() {
680 		allInstances = new HashMap();
682 		String query = "select distinct I from {I} rdf:type {C} "+
683 		" , [{I} rdfs:subClassOf {Q} ] "+
684 		" , [{I} rdfs:subPropertyOf {P}] "+
685 		" , [{I} L {rdf:List} ]"+
686 		" , [{I} R {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">} ]"+
687 		" , [{I} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_distinctMembers+"> {F} ]"+
688 		" , [{I} O {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Ontology+">} ]"+
689 		" , [{DEF} rdfs:isDefinedBy {I} ]"+
690 		" where Q = NULL AND P = NULL and L = NULL and R = NULL and F = NULL and O = NULL and DEF = NULL"
691 		;
693 		try {
694 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
695 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
696 				Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
697 				allInstances.put(v,v);
698 			}
699 		} catch (Exception e) {
700 			e.printStackTrace();
701 		}
702 	}
704 	boolean isExternalClass(Resource cls) {
705 		RdfSchemaSource _src =(RdfSchemaSource)_repository.getSail();
706 		ValueFactory fact =_src.getValueFactory();
707 		URI typeP = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDF_type); 
708 		URI owlCls = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_Class.toString()); 
709 		return !_src.hasExplicitStatement(cls, typeP, owlCls);
710 	}
712 	boolean isExternalIndividual(Resource cls) {
713 		RdfSchemaSource _src =(RdfSchemaSource)_repository.getSail();
714 		ValueFactory fact =_src.getValueFactory();
715 		URI typeP = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDF_type); 
716 //		URI owlCls = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_Class.toString()); 
717 		return !_src.hasExplicitStatement(cls, typeP, null);
718 	}
720 	boolean isInferred(Resource s, URI pred, Value v) {
721 		RdfSchemaSource _src =(RdfSchemaSource)_repository.getSail();
722 		return !_src.hasExplicitStatement(s, pred, v);
723 	}
725 	boolean isExternalProperty(Resource cls) {
726 		RdfSchemaSource _src =(RdfSchemaSource)_repository.getSail();
727 		ValueFactory fact =_src.getValueFactory();
728 		URI typeP = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDF_type); 
729 		URI owlObjectProp = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_ObjectProperty); 
730 		URI owlDataProp = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_DatatypeProperty); 
731 		URI rdfProperty = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.RDF_Property);
732 		if (_src.hasExplicitStatement(cls, typeP, owlObjectProp))
733 			return false; 
734 		if (_src.hasExplicitStatement(cls, typeP, owlDataProp))
735 			return false; 
736 		if (_src.hasExplicitStatement(cls, typeP, rdfProperty)) 
737 			return false; 
738 		return true;		
739 	}
741 	ArrayList getSameAs(Resource res) {
742 		ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
743 		RdfSchemaSource _src =(RdfSchemaSource)_repository.getSail();
744 		ValueFactory fact =_src.getValueFactory();
745 		URI sameAsP = fact.createURI(OWLConstants.OWL_sameAs); 
746 		StatementIterator iter = null;
747 		try {
748 			iter = _src.getStatements(res, sameAsP, null);
749 			while (iter.hasNext()) {
750 				result.add(;
751 			}
752 		} catch (Exception e) {
753 			e.printStackTrace();
754 		} finally {
755 			iter.close();
756 		}
757 		return result;
758 	}
760 	void handleRestrictionSet() {
761 		String query = "select R from"+
762 			"{R} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">} "+
763 			", [{R} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_onProperty+"> {P} ] "+
764 			"where P = NULL";
765 		try {
766 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
767 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
768 				Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
769 			}
770 		} catch (Exception e) {
771 			e.printStackTrace();
772 		}
773 	}
775 	HashMap allIntersections;
776 	HashMap allUnions;
777 	void handleClassPartial() {
778 		allIntersections = new HashMap();
779 		allUnions = new HashMap();
780 		String query = "select C, inter, eq, uni, comp from"+
781 			"{C} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Class+">} "+
782 			",[ {C} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_intersectionOf+"> {inter}] "+
783 			",[ {C} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_equivalentClass+"> {eq}] "+
784 			",[ {C} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_unionOf+"> {uni}] "+
785 			",[ {C} <"+OWLConstants.OWL_complementOf+"> {comp}] ";
786 		try {
787 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
788 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
789 				Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
790 				if (null != result.getValue(i, 1)) {
791 					allIntersections.put(v, result.getValue(i, 1));
792 				} else if (null != result.getValue(i, 3)) {
793  					allUnions.put(v, result.getValue(i, 3));
794 				} else if (null != result.getValue(i, 2) ||
795 					null != result.getValue(i, 4)) {
796 				}
797 			}
798 		} catch (Exception e) {
799 			e.printStackTrace();
800 		}
801 	}
803 	HashMap allAttributes;	
804 	void handlePossibleAttributes() {
805 		allAttributes = new HashMap();
806 		for (Iterator iter = allProperties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
807 			Resource res = (Resource);
808 			if (isExternalProperty(res))
809 				continue;
810 			String query = "select C from {<"+res+">} rdfs:domain {C}";
811 			try {
812 				QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
813 				for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
814 					Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
815 					if (allClasses.containsKey(v))
816 						allAttributes.put(res, v);
817 				}
818 			} catch (Exception e) {
819 				e.printStackTrace();
820 			}
821 		}
822 		for (Iterator iter = allAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
823 			allProperties.remove(;
824 		}
825 	}
827     /**
828      * 
829      * @param content
830      * @param defaultNs the baseURL
831      * @return ontology
832      */
833 	public Ontology process(Reader content, String defaultNs) throws Exception {
834 		// defaultNs is always null!
835         //assert defaultNs != null;
836 		try {
837 			dcSameAs = _factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_NS+"sameAs");
839 //            InputStream resStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
840 //                    .getResourceAsStream("resource/owl.rdfs");
841 //            Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(resStream);
842 //			addData(reader, "");
844             collectDefaultClasses();
845 			collectDefaultProperties();
846 			if (defaultNs == null)
847 				addData(content, "");
848 			else
849 				addData(content, defaultNs);
851 			processOntologies();
852 			assert theOntology != null;
853 			if (defaultNs == null) {
854 				defaultNs = theOntology.getIdentifier().toString();
855 				if (defaultNs.endsWith("#") == false)
856 					defaultNs+='#';
857 			}
858 			theOntology.setDefaultNamespace(_factory.createIRI(defaultNs));
860 			theOntology.addNamespace(_factory.createNamespace("dc", _factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_NS)));
861 			theOntology.addNamespace(_factory.createNamespace("wsml", _factory.createIRI(WSML.WSML_NAMESPACE)));
862 			theOntology.addNamespace(_factory.createNamespace("xsd", _factory.createIRI(Constants.XSD_NS)));
863 			handleClasses();
864 			handleRestrictionOnProperty();
865 			handleProperties();
866 			handleInstances();
867 			handleClassPartial();
870 			processClassDefinitions();
871 			processRelationDefinitions();
872 			processIndividuals();
874 		} catch (Exception ex) {
875 			// @todo: rise proper exception 
876 			ex.printStackTrace();
877             throw ex;
878 		}
879 		return theOntology;
880 	}
882 	int axiom_counter = 0;
884 	void processAsUnionClass(Resource res) throws InvalidModelException {
885 		String uriStr = getGenerateID(res, "Concept"); 
886 		IRI id = _factory.createIRI(uriStr);
887 		String logExpr = "?x memberOf "+xForm(uriStr)+"\n"+
888 		"impliedBy ";
889 		Concept concept = _factory.getConcept(id);
890 //		theOntology.addConcept(concept);
892 		ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
893 		collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)allUnions.get(res), list);
894 		boolean bHasOne = false;
895 		for (Iterator sc = list.iterator(); sc.hasNext();) {
896 			Resource element = (Resource);
897 			if (allClasses.containsKey(element)) {
898 				//case 1 known names Class
899 				IRI ref = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(element, "Concept"));
900 //				concept.addSubConcept(_factory.getConcept(ref));
901 				if (bHasOne)
902 					logExpr +=" or ";
903 				logExpr += "?x memberOf "+xForm(ref.toString());
904 				bHasOne = true;
905 			} else if (allRestrictions.containsKey(element)){
906 				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
907 				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
908 				theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
910 				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
911 				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
912 				do {
913 					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
914 					if (pos < 0)
915 						break;
916 					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
917 				} while (true);
918 				try {
919 					ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
920 				} catch (ParserException pe) {
921 					throw new InvalidModelException(pe);
922 				}
923 				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
924 			}									
925 		}
926 		try {
927 			{
928 				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
929 				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
930 				theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
931 				logExpr+= " .";
932 				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
933 				ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(logExpr, theOntology));
934 				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
935 			}
937 			String query = "select R from "+
938 			" {<"+uriStr+">} serql:directSubClassOf {R}, {R} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">}"
939 			;
940 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
941 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
942 				Resource element = (Resource)result.getValue(i, 0);
943 				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
944 				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
945 				theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
947 				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
948 				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
949 				do {
950 					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
951 					if (pos < 0)
952 						break;
953 					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
954 				} while (true);
955 				ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
956 				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
958 			}
959 		}catch (Exception e) {
960 			e.printStackTrace();
961 		}
962 	}
964 	void processAsIntersectionClass(Resource res) throws InvalidModelException {
965 		String uriStr = getGenerateID(res, "Concept"); 
966 		IRI id = _factory.createIRI(uriStr);
967 		Concept concept = _factory.getConcept(id);
969 		ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
970 		collectNodesInSEQ((Resource)allIntersections.get(res), list);
972 		for (Iterator sc = list.iterator(); sc.hasNext();) {
973 			Resource element = (Resource);
974 			if (allClasses.containsKey(element)) {
975 				//case 1 known names Class
976 				IRI ref = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(element, "Concept"));
977 				concept.addSuperConcept(_factory.getConcept(ref));
979 			} else if (allRestrictions.containsKey(element)){
980 				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
981 				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
982 				theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
984 				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
985 				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
986 				do {
987 					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
988 					if (pos < 0)
989 						break;
990 					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
991 				} while (true);
992 				try {
993 					ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
994 				} catch (ParserException pe) {
995 					throw new InvalidModelException(pe);
996 				}
997 				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
998 			}									
999 		}
1000 		try {
1001 			String query = "select R from "+
1002 			" {<"+uriStr+">} serql:directSubClassOf {R}, {R} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_Restriction+">}"
1003 			;
1004 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
1005 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1006 				Resource element = (Resource)result.getValue(i, 0);
1007 				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(uriStr + (++axiom_counter));
1008 				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
1009 				theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
1011 				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
1012 				String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(element);
1013 				do {
1014 					int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
1015 					if (pos < 0)
1016 						break;
1017 					foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(uriStr)+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
1018 				} while (true);
1019 				ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
1020 				concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
1022 			}
1023 		}catch (Exception e) {
1024 			e.printStackTrace();
1025 		}
1026 	}
1028 	private String anonIDPrefix;
1029 	String getGenerateID(Resource res, String type) {
1030 		if (res instanceof URI) {
1031 			return ((URI)res).getURI();
1032 		}
1033 		if (anonIDPrefix == null) {
1034 			anonIDPrefix = (theOntology.getDefaultNamespace() == null) ?
1035 					theOntology.getIdentifier().toString()
1036 					: theOntology.getDefaultNamespace().getIRI().toString();
1037 			anonIDPrefix += (anonIDPrefix.endsWith("#")) ? "anonymous" : "#anonymous";
1038 		}
1039 		return anonIDPrefix + type + '_' + ((BNode)res).getID();
1040 	}
1042 	void processClassDefinitions() throws InvalidModelException {
1043 		// forward create
1044 		for (Iterator iter = allClasses.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
1045 			Resource res = (Resource);
1046 			if (isExternalClass(res))
1047 				continue;	//System.out.print("EXTERNAL:");
1049 			IRI id = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(res, "Concept"));
1051 			Concept concept = _factory.createConcept(id);
1052 			ArrayList sameAs = getSameAs(res);
1053 			for (Iterator i = sameAs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1054 				concept.addNFPValue(dcSameAs, _factory.createIRI(;
1055 			}
1056 			theOntology.addConcept(concept);
1057 		}
1059 		for (Iterator iter = allClasses.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
1060 			Resource res = (Resource);
1061 			if (isExternalClass(res))
1062 				continue;	//System.out.print("EXTERNAL:");
1063 			if (allIntersections.containsKey(res)) {
1064 				processAsIntersectionClass(res);
1065 			} if (allUnions.containsKey(res)) {
1066 				processAsUnionClass(res);
1067 			} else 
1068 			{
1069 				IRI id = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(res, "Concept"));;
1070 				Concept concept = _factory.getConcept(id);
1071 				String query = "select SC from {<"+id.toString()+">} serql:directSubClassOf {SC} "
1072 					;
1073 				try {
1074 					QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
1076 					for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1077 						Value v = result.getValue(i, 0);
1078 						if (allClasses.containsKey(v)) {
1079 							IRI ref = _factory.createIRI( getGenerateID((Resource)v, "Concept"));
1080 							concept.addSuperConcept(_factory.getConcept(ref));
1082 						} else if (allRestrictions.containsKey(v)) {
1083 							IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(id.toString() +(++axiom_counter));
1084 							Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
1085 							ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
1086 							theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
1087 							String foo = (String)allRestrictions.get(v);
1088 							do {
1089 								int pos = foo.indexOf("|class|");
1090 								if (pos < 0)
1091 									break;
1092 								foo = foo.substring(0, pos)+ xForm(id.toString())+foo.substring(pos + "|class|".length());
1093 							} while (true);
1094 							ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
1095 							concept.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
1096 						}
1097 					}
1098 				} catch (Exception e) {
1099 					// TODO: handle exception
1100 					e.printStackTrace();
1101 				} 
1102 			} // if
1104 		} //for
1105 	} // processClassDefinitions
1107 	void processRelationDefinitions() throws InvalidModelException {
1108 		//forward create
1109 		for (Iterator iter = allProperties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
1110 			Resource res = (Resource);
1111 			if (isExternalProperty(res))
1112 				continue;
1113 			IRI id = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(res, "Relation"));
1114 			Relation relation = _factory.createRelation(id);
1116 			ArrayList sameAs = getSameAs(res);
1117 			for (Iterator i = sameAs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1118 				relation.addNFPValue(dcSameAs, _factory.createIRI(;
1119 			}
1120 			theOntology.addRelation(relation);
1121 			relation.createParameter((byte)0);
1122 			relation.createParameter((byte)1);
1124 		}
1125 		for (Iterator iter = allProperties.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { 
1126 			Resource res = (Resource);
1127 			if (isExternalProperty(res))
1128 				continue;
1129 			String query = "select SP from {<"+res+">} serql:directSubPropertyOf {SP} ";
1130 			IRI id  = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(res, "Relation"));
1131 			Relation relation = _factory.getRelation(id);
1132 			try {
1133 				QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
1135 				for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1136 					URI v = (URI)result.getValue(i, 0);
1137 					IRI idSuper = _factory.createIRI(v.getURI());
1138 					relation.addSuperRelation(_factory.getRelation(idSuper));
1139 				}
1140 			} catch (Exception e) {
1141 				e.printStackTrace();
1142 			}
1143 			// collect features
1145 			StatementIterator stIter = null;
1146 			ArrayList axioms = new ArrayList();
1147 			try {
1148 				stIter = res.getSubjectStatements();
1149 				boolean bDataTypeProp = false;
1150 				boolean bObjectProp = false;
1151 				boolean bHasRange = false;
1152 				boolean bHasDomain = false;
1153 				while (stIter.hasNext()) {
1154 					Statement st =;
1155 					URI u = st.getPredicate();
1156 					if (0==u.getURI().compareTo(Constants.RDFS_domain)) {
1157 						String domainConcept = getGenerateID((Resource)st.getObject(), "Concept");
1158 //						URI domainConcept = (URI)st.getObject();
1159 						String concept = xForm(domainConcept);
1160 						IRI domainIRI = _factory.createIRI(domainConcept);
1161 						relation.getParameter((byte)0).addType(_factory.getConcept(domainIRI));
1162 						String attr = xForm(res.toString());
1163 						axioms.add("?x memberOf "+concept+" impliedBy "+attr+"(?x,?y).");
1164 						bHasDomain = true;
1165 						continue;
1166 					}
1167 					if (0==u.getURI().compareTo(Constants.RDFS_range)) {
1168 						String rangeConceptID = getGenerateID((Resource)st.getObject(), "Concept");
1169 						String concept = xForm(rangeConceptID);
1170 						IRI rangeIRI = _factory.createIRI(rangeConceptID);
1171 						relation.getParameter((byte)1).addType(_factory.getConcept(rangeIRI));
1172 						String attr = xForm(res.toString());
1173 						axioms.add("?y memberOf "+concept+" impliedBy "+attr+"(?x,?y).");
1174 						bHasRange = true;
1175 						continue;
1176 					}
1177 					if (0==u.getURI().compareTo(Constants.RDF_type)) {
1178 						String value = st.getObject().toString();
1179 						if (0 == value.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_TransitiveProperty)) {
1180 							String attr = xForm(res.toString());
1181 							axioms.add("?x["+attr+" hasValue ?z] impliedBy  ?x["+attr+" hasValue ?y] and ?y["+attr+" hasValue ?z].");
1182 							continue;
1183 						}
1184 						if (0 == value.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_SymmetricProperty)) {
1185 							String attr = xForm(res.toString());
1186 							axioms.add("?x["+attr+" hasValue ?y] impliedBy ?y["+attr+" hasValue ?x].");
1187 							continue;
1188 						}
1189 						if (0 == value.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_DatatypeProperty)) {
1190 							bDataTypeProp = true;
1191 						}
1192 						if (0 == value.compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_ObjectProperty)) {
1193 							bObjectProp = true;
1194 						}
1195 					}
1196 					if (0==u.getURI().compareTo(OWLConstants.OWL_inverseOf)) {
1197 						String value = xForm(st.getObject().toString());
1198 						String attr = xForm(res.toString());
1199 						axioms.add("?x["+attr+" hasValue ?y] impliedBy ?y["+value+" hasValue ?x].");
1200 						if (0 != value.compareTo(attr))
1201 							axioms.add("?x["+value+" hasValue ?y] impliedBy ?y["+attr+" hasValue ?x].");
1202 						continue;
1203 					}
1204 					// handle annotations later
1205 				}
1206 				if (!bHasDomain && (bDataTypeProp || bObjectProp )) {
1207 					IRI thingIRI = _factory.createIRI(OWLConstants.OWL_Thing);
1208 					relation.getParameter((byte)0).addType(_factory.getConcept(thingIRI));
1209 				}
1210 				if (!bHasRange) {
1211 					if (bDataTypeProp) {
1212 						IRI stringIRI = _factory.createIRI(Constants.XSD_string);
1213 						relation.getParameter((byte)1).addType(_factory.getConcept(stringIRI));
1214 					} else if (bObjectProp) {
1215 						IRI thingIRI = _factory.createIRI(OWLConstants.OWL_Thing);
1216 						relation.getParameter((byte)1).addType(_factory.getConcept(thingIRI));
1217 					}
1218 				}
1219 			} catch (Exception e) {
1220 				e.printStackTrace();
1221 			} finally {
1222 				stIter.close();
1223 			}
1224 			for (Iterator axIter = axioms.iterator(); axIter.hasNext();) {
1225 				IRI asId = _factory.createIRI(id.toString() + (++axiom_counter));
1226 				Axiom ax = _factory.createAxiom(asId);
1227 				theOntology.addAxiom(ax);
1229 				ax.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), id);
1230 				String foo = (String); 
1231 				try {
1232 					ax.addDefinition(_leFactory.createLogicalExpression(foo, theOntology));
1233 				} catch (ParserException pe) {
1234 					throw new InvalidModelException(pe);
1235 				}
1236 				relation.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_relation), asId);
1237 			}
1238 		}
1239 	} //processRelationDefinitions
1241 	void processIndividuals() throws InvalidModelException {
1242 		for (Iterator iter = allInstances.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
1243 			Resource res = (Resource);
1244 			if (isExternalIndividual(res)) {
1245 				continue;
1246 			}
1247 			if (allClasses.containsKey(res)) {
1248 			    continue;
1249 			}
1250 			if (allProperties.containsKey(res)) {
1251 				continue;
1252 			}
1253 			IRI id = _factory.createIRI(getGenerateID(res, "Instance"));
1254 			Instance instance = _factory.createInstance(id);
1255 			theOntology.addInstance(instance);
1256 			ArrayList sameAs = getSameAs(res);
1257 			for (Iterator i = sameAs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1258 				instance.addNFPValue(dcSameAs, _factory.createIRI(;
1259 			}
1261 			String query = "select C from {<" + id.toString() +">} serql:directType {C} "+
1262 				" where C != <"+OWLConstants.OWL_Thing+">";
1263 			try {
1264 				QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
1265 				for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1266 					URI v = (URI)result.getValue(i, 0);
1267 					IRI ref = _factory.createIRI(v.getURI());
1268 					try {
1269 						instance.addConcept(_factory.getConcept(ref));
1270 					} catch (UndeclaredThrowableException se) {
1271 						instance.addConcept(_factory.createConcept(ref));
1272 					} catch (SynchronisationException se3) {
1273 						instance.addConcept(_factory.createConcept(ref));
1274 					}
1275 				}
1276 			} catch (Exception e) {
1277 				e.printStackTrace();
1278 			}
1280 			// all properties as realationInstances
1281 			query = "select P,V,SP from {<"+ id.toString() +">} P {V} "+
1282 				" ,[{V} rdfs:subClassOf {Q}]"+
1283 				" ,[{P} serql:directSubPropertyOf {SP}]"+
1284 				" where Q = NULL";
1285 			try {
1286 				QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
1287 				for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1288 					URI v = (URI)result.getValue(i, 0);
1289 					if (!allProperties.containsKey(v))
1290 						continue;
1291 					if (isInferred(res,v, result.getValue(i, 1)))
1292 						continue; 
1294 					IRI ref = _factory.createIRI(v.getURI());
1295 					Relation parent = _factory.getRelation(ref);
1297 					Identifier anon = _factory.createAnonymousID();
1298 					RelationInstance relInst = _factory.createRelationInstance(anon, parent);
1299 					theOntology.addRelationInstance(relInst);
1301 					try {
1302 						relInst.setRelation(parent);
1303 					} catch (SynchronisationException se) {
1304 						parent = _factory.createRelation(ref);
1305 						parent.createParameter((byte)0);
1306 						parent.createParameter((byte)1);
1307 						relInst.setRelation(parent);
1308 					}
1309 					try {
1310 						relInst.setParameterValue((byte)0, instance);
1311 					} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1312 //						e.printStackTrace();
1313 					}
1315 					Value val = result.getValue(i, 1);
1316 						if (val instanceof URI) {
1317 							IRI refInst = _factory.createIRI(((URI)val).getURI());
1318 							relInst.setParameterValue((byte)1, _factory.getInstance( refInst));
1319 						} else if (val instanceof Literal) {
1320 							DataValue dataValue = createDataValueFromLiteral((Literal)val);
1321 							relInst.setParameterValue((byte)1, dataValue);
1322 						}
1323 				}
1324 			} catch (Exception e) {
1325 				e.printStackTrace();
1326 			}
1327 		}
1328 	} // processIndividuals
1330 	Ontology theOntology = null;
1332 	void processOntologies() throws Exception {
1333 			// detect the main ontology and create It
1334 			QueryResultsTable result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, mainOntology);
1335 			if (result.getRowCount() != 1) {
1336 				throw new RuntimeException("the content should have a single OWL ontology! numOntologies="+result.getRowCount());
1337 			}
1338 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1339 				URI asUri = (URI)result.getValue(i, 0);
1340 				IRI id = _factory.createIRI(asUri.getURI());
1341 				theOntology = _factory.createOntology(id); 
1342 			}
1344 			// collect the imported ontologies
1345 			result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, importedOntologyQuery);
1346 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1347 				URI asUri = (URI)result.getValue(i, 0);
1348 				IRI id = _factory.createIRI(asUri.getURI());
1349 				theOntology.addOntology( _factory.getOntology(id)); 
1350 			}
1352 			// collect annotations
1353 			String query = "select P, V from "+
1354 			 " {<"+theOntology.getIdentifier().toString()+">} P {V} "+
1355 			 " ,{P} rdf:type {<"+OWLConstants.OWL_AnnotationProperty+">} ";
1356 			result = _repository.performTableQuery(QueryLanguage.SERQL, query);
1357 			for (int i = 0; i < result.getRowCount(); i++) {
1358 				Value val = result.getValue(i, 1);
1359 				if (val instanceof URI)
1360 					theOntology.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_description), 
1361                             _factory.createIRI(val.toString()));
1362 				else {
1363 					theOntology.addNFPValue(_factory.createIRI(Constants.DC_description), 
1364                             createDataValueFromLiteral((Literal)val));
1365 				}
1366 			}
1367 			RdfSchemaSource src = (RdfSchemaSource)_repository.getSail();
1368 			NamespaceIterator nsIter = src.getNamespaces();
1369 			while (nsIter.hasNext()) {
1371                 theOntology.addNamespace(_factory.createNamespace(nsIter.getPrefix(), 
1372                         _factory.createIRI( nsIter.getName())));
1373 			}
1375 	}	
1377 /*	public static void main(String[] args) {
1378 		WSMLFromOWL test = new WSMLFromOWL(Factory.createWsmoFactory(null), Factory.createLogicalExpressionFactory(null), null);
1379 		try {
1380 			if (true) {
1381 				//""
1382 				//""
1383 				FileReader content = new FileReader("Pizza.owl");
1384 				Ontology o = test.process(content, "");
1385 				StringWriter wrt = new StringWriter();
1386 				WSMLTextExportHelper helper = new WSMLTextExportHelper(wrt);
1387 				helper.process(new Entity[]{o});
1388 				System.out.println(wrt.getBuffer().toString());
1389 			}
1390 		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
1391 			e.printStackTrace();
1392 		}
1393 	}
1394 */	
1395 }
1397 /*
1398  * $Log$
1399 /*
1400  * Revision 1.12  2006/11/22 12:06:58  alex_simov
1401 /*
1402  * no message
1403 /*
1404  *
1405 /*
1406  * Revision 1.11  2006/11/16 09:36:28  holgerlausen
1407 /*
1408  * removed duplicated namespace definition occurences
1409 /*
1410  *
1411 /*
1412  * Revision 1.10  2006/10/31 15:52:58  vassil_momtchev
1413 /*
1414  * consider # as the only valid namespace ending (simulate the behaviour of the RIO parser)
1415 /*
1416  *
1417 /*
1418  * Revision 1.9  2006/09/13 08:58:08  alex_simov
1419 /*
1420  * bugfix: sQNames were not checked for containing symbols to be escaped
1421 /*
1422  *
1423  *
1424  * Revision 1.8  2006/09/07 11:04:07  alex_simov
1425  *
1426  * minor fix
1427  *
1428  * Revision 1.7  2006/08/22 08:30:55  alex_simov
1429  *
1430  * no message
1431  *
1432  * Revision 1.6  2006/08/21 16:05:32  alex_simov
1433  * 1) support for anonymois classes added (bugfix)
1434  * 2) union classes
1435  * 3) incorrect treatment of properties fixed
1436  *
1437  * Revision 1.5  2006/02/22 14:29:25  nathaliest
1438  * *** empty log message ***
1439  *
1440  * Revision 1.4  2005/12/14 09:54:07  vassil_momtchev
1441  * changed all const from IRIto String [Constants, OWLConstants, WSMLFromOWL] - no more wsmo4j constructors invoked!
1442  * organized imports to use com.ontotext.* instead to list all used types (see the rest of code and the code convetion)
1443  * commented all non used local variables (all warnings removed)
1444 */