Uses of Interface

Packages that use Rule

Uses of Rule in org.deri.wsmo4j.choreography.rule

Classes in org.deri.wsmo4j.choreography.rule that implement Rule
 class AbstractQuantifiedRuleRI
          Provides common implementation methods for the quantified rules (Forall and Choose).
 class AbstractTransitionRuleRI
          Implements common functionality for a Transition Rule.
 class ChooseRI
          Reference Implementation for the Choose rule.
 class ForAllRI
          Reference Implementation for the ForAll rule.
 class IfThenRI
          Reference Implementation for the IfThen rule.
 class PipedRulesRI
          Interface or class description

Uses of Rule in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule

Classes in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule that implement Rule
 class OrchestrationAchieveGoalRI
          Interface or class description
 class OrchestrationApplyMediationRI
          Interface or class description
 class OrchestrationInvokeServiceRI
          Interface or class description
 class ReceiveRI
          Interface or class description
 class SendRI
          Interface or class description

Fields in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule with type parameters of type Rule
protected  Set<Rule> AbstractTransitionRuleRI.rules

Methods in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule that return types with arguments of type Rule
 Iterator<Rule> RulesRI.iterator()
 Set<Rule> AbstractTransitionRuleRI.listNestedRules()
 Set<Rule> PipedRulesRI.listPipedRules()
 Set<Rule> RulesRI.listRules()

Methods in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule with parameters of type Rule
 void PipedRulesRI.addPipedRule(Rule rule)
 void RulesRI.addRule(Rule rule)
 void AbstractTransitionRuleRI.addRule(Rule rule)
 void PipedRulesRI.removePipedRule(Rule rule)
 void RulesRI.removeRule(Rule rule)
 void AbstractTransitionRuleRI.removeRule(Rule rule)

Method parameters in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule with type arguments of type Rule
 void AbstractTransitionRuleRI.addRules(Set<Rule> rules)
 void AbstractTransitionRuleRI.setRules(Set<Rule> rules)

Constructors in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule with parameters of type Rule
ChooseRI(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Rule rule)
          Constructor for a choose rule
ChooseRI(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Rule rule)
          Constructor for a choose rule.
ForAllRI(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Rule rule)
          Constructor for a forall rule
ForAllRI(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Rule rule)
          Constructor for a forall rule.
IfThenRI(Condition condition, Rule rule)

Constructor parameters in org.deri.wsmo4j.orchestration.rule with type arguments of type Rule
AbstractQuantifiedRuleRI(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
ChooseRI(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
          Constructor for a choose rule
ChooseRI(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
          Constructor for a choose rule.
ForAllRI(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
          Constructor for a choose rule
ForAllRI(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
          Constructor for a choose rule.
IfThenRI(Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
PipedRulesRI(Set<Rule> rules)
RulesRI(org.wsmo.common.Identifier id, Set<Rule> rules)
          Initializes the Rules container of orchestration Descriptions with the given Identifier and rules

Uses of Rule in org.deri.wsmo4j.rule

Classes in org.deri.wsmo4j.rule that implement Rule
 class AbstractUpdateRule
          Implements common functionality for Update Rules.
 class AddRI
          Add update Implementation.
 class DeleteRI
          Delete update implementation.
 class PerformRI
          Perform Implementation.
 class UpdateRI
          Reference implementation for the Update rule.

Uses of Rule in org.wsmo.factory

Methods in org.wsmo.factory with parameters of type Rule
 OrchestrationChoose OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createChoose(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Rule rule)
 OrchestrationChoose OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createChoose(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Rule rule)
 OrchestrationForAll OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createForAll(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Rule rule)
 OrchestrationForAll OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createForAll(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Rule rule)
 OrchestrationIfThen OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createIfThen(Condition expression, Rule rule)

Method parameters in org.wsmo.factory with type arguments of type Rule
 OrchestrationChoose OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createChoose(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
 OrchestrationChoose OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createChoose(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
 OrchestrationForAll OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createForAll(Set<org.omwg.ontology.Variable> variables, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
 OrchestrationForAll OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createForAll(org.omwg.ontology.Variable variable, Condition condition, Set<Rule> rules)
 OrchestrationIfThen OrchestrationFactory.TransitionRules.createIfThen(Condition expression, Set<Rule> rules)
 OrchestrationRules OrchestrationFactory.Containers.createRules(org.wsmo.common.Identifier id, Set<Rule> rules)

Uses of Rule in org.wsmo.service.choreography.rule

Subinterfaces of Rule in org.wsmo.service.choreography.rule
 interface ChoreographyChoose
          choose with do endChoose.
 interface ChoreographyForAll
          forall with do endForall.
 interface ChoreographyIfThen
          "if Condition then Rules" is the simplest form of transition Rule.
 interface ChoreographyPipedRules
          Interface or class description
 interface ChoreographyQuantifiedRule
          A quantified rule is a sub-class of Transition Rule such did it defines quantified variables.
 interface ChoreographyTransitionRule
          Defines the simplest type of transition rule which takes the form of "if Condition then Rule".

Uses of Rule in org.wsmo.service.orchestration.rule

Subinterfaces of Rule in org.wsmo.service.orchestration.rule
 interface OrchestrationAchieveGoal
          Interface or class description
 interface OrchestrationApplyMediation
          Interface or class description
 interface OrchestrationChoose
          choose with do endChoose.
 interface OrchestrationForAll
          forall with do endForall.
 interface OrchestrationIfThen
          "if Condition then Rules" is the simplest form of transition Rule.
 interface OrchestrationInvokeService
          Interface or class description
 interface OrchestrationPipedRules
          Interface or class description
 interface OrchestrationQuantifiedRule
          A quantified rule is a sub-class of Transition Rule such did it defines quantified variables.
 interface OrchestrationTransitionRule
          Defines the simplest type of transition rule which takes the form of "if Condition then Rule".
 interface Receive
          Interface or class description
 interface Send
          Interface or class description

Methods in org.wsmo.service.orchestration.rule that return types with arguments of type Rule
 Set<Rule> OrchestrationTransitionRule.listNestedRules()
          Returns the list of Rule objects nested inside the transition rule
 Set<Rule> OrchestrationPipedRules.listPipedRules()
          returns the set of Piped Rules
 Set<Rule> OrchestrationRules.listRules()
          Returns Rules that make up this choreography.

Methods in org.wsmo.service.orchestration.rule with parameters of type Rule
 void OrchestrationPipedRules.addPipedRule(Rule rule)
          Adds a rule to the list of piped rules
 void OrchestrationTransitionRule.addRule(Rule rule)
          Adds a nested Rule object
 void OrchestrationRules.addRule(Rule rule)
          Adds a rule to the choreography
 void OrchestrationPipedRules.removePipedRule(Rule rule)
          Removes a rule from the list of piped rules
 void OrchestrationTransitionRule.removeRule(Rule rule)
          Removes a nested rule
 void OrchestrationRules.removeRule(Rule rule)
          Removes the specified rule from the choreography

Method parameters in org.wsmo.service.orchestration.rule with type arguments of type Rule
 void OrchestrationTransitionRule.addRules(Set<Rule> rules)
          Adds a set of rules
 void OrchestrationTransitionRule.setRules(Set<Rule> rules)
          Sets the inner rules of the rule

Uses of Rule in org.wsmo.service.rule

Subinterfaces of Rule in org.wsmo.service.rule
 interface Add
 interface ChoreographyRule
          Upper Rule Interface for Choreography.
 interface Delete
 interface Perform
 interface Update
          An update may have two forms: - update(oldFact => newFact).
 interface UpdateRule
          An UpdateRule is an unconditional rule that specificies a certain kind of state update.

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