Interface Summary |
Atom |
This interface represents an atom with a n-ary domain, where n is
the arity of the predicate represented. |
AtomicExpression |
This interface represents an atomic expression. |
AttributeConstraintMolecule |
Represents a constraining attribute molecule (e.g. |
AttributeInferenceMolecule |
Represents a inferring attribute molecule (e.g. |
AttributeMolecule |
Represents the super class of all molecules containing attributes:
(a[b hasValue c] or a[b ofType c] or a[b impliesType c]) |
AttributeValueMolecule |
Represents a value attribute molecule (e.g. |
Binary |
This interface represents all binary logical expressions, as e.g. |
BuiltInAtom |
Built in atoms represent such atom that are defined as built-in. |
CompoundExpression |
Representing Compound Expressions. |
CompoundMolecule |
Represents a compound molecule which is a container for simple
molecules E.g., "x subConceptOf {y,z}" or "a[b hasValue c] memberOf d". |
Conjunction |
This interface represents specific kind of Binary . |
Constants |
This interface contains constants that can appear in a logical expression, like
e.g., delimiters, built-in predicate names and datatypes |
Constraint |
This interface stand for a specific kind of Unary ,
a contraint. |
Disjunction |
This interface represents specific kind of Binary . |
Equivalence |
This interface represents specific kind of Binary . |
ExistentialQuantification |
This interface represents quantified logical expressions, i.e. |
Implication |
This interface represents specific kind of Binary . |
InverseImplication |
This interface represents specific kind of Binary . |
LogicalExpression |
This interface represents a logical expression that is either an atomic or a
compound logical expression. |
LogicProgrammingRule |
This interface stand for a specific kind of Binary ,
a logic programming rule. |
MembershipMolecule |
Represents a molecule of the form "a memberOf b" |
Molecule |
This interface stands for a molecule |
Negation |
This interface stand for a specific kind of Unary ,
a negation. |
NegationAsFailure |
Quantified |
This interface represents quantified logical expressions, i.e. |
SubConceptMolecule |
Represents a Molecule of the Form "a subConceptOf b" |
Unary |
This interface stands for unary logical expressions,
which consequently have a single operand. |
UniversalQuantification |
This interface represents quantified logical expressions, i.e. |
Visitor |
This interface represents an visitor for the logical expression
tree structure. |