Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidModelException

Uses of InvalidModelException in org.omwg.ontology

Methods in org.omwg.ontology that throw InvalidModelException
 void Instance.addAttributeValue(Identifier id, Value value)
          Adds a new attribute value to the list of values associated with the specified attribute of this instance.
 void Ontology.addAxiom(Axiom axiom)
          Adds a new axiom to the set of axioms defined by this ontology.
 void Instance.addConcept(Concept memberOf)
          Sets the concept this instance is an instance of.
 void Ontology.addConcept(Concept concept)
          Adds a new concept to this ontology.
 void Concept.addInstance(Instance inst)
          Adds a new instance to the set of instances of this concept The instance will also add this concept to the list of its concepts
 void Ontology.addInstance(Instance instance)
          Adds a new instance to the list of instances defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.addRelation(Relation relation)
          Adds a new relation to the list of relations defined by this ontology.
 void Relation.addRelationInstance(RelationInstance relInst)
          Adds a new RelationInstance to the set of instances of this relation The relation instance will also set this relation as the relation it is an instance of
 void Ontology.addRelationInstance(RelationInstance instance)
          Adds a new relationInstance to the list of relationInstances defined by this ontology.
 void Concept.addSubConcept(Concept subConcept)
          Adds a new concept to the set of sub-concepts of this concept The sub concept will also add this concept to the list of its super-concepts.
 void Relation.addSubRelation(Relation subRel)
          Adds a new relation to the set of sub-relations of this relation The sub-relation will also add this relation to the list of its super-relations
 void Concept.addSuperConcept(Concept superConcept)
          Adds a new concept to the set of super-concepts of this concept The super concept will also add this concept to the list of its sub-concepts
 void Relation.addSuperRelation(Relation superRel)
          Adds a new relation to the set of super-relation of this relation The super-relation will also add this relation to the list of its sub-relations
 void Attribute.addType(Type type)
          Adds a new Type as range for this attribute.
 void Parameter.addType(Type type)
          Adds a new Type as range for this parameter.
 Attribute Concept.createAttribute(Identifier id)
          Create an Attribute for a Concept
 Parameter Relation.createParameter(byte pos)
          The positioning of the parameters is zero-based, i.e.
 Value RelationInstance.getParameterValue(byte pos)
          Returns the value of the specified paramter.
 void Concept.removeAttribute(Attribute attr)
          Removes an attribute from this concept's list of attributes.
 void Instance.removeAttributeValue(Identifier key, Value value)
          Removes a particular value associated with an attribute within this instance.
 void Instance.removeAttributeValues(Identifier id)
          Clears all the values associated with a particular attribute of this instance.
 void Ontology.removeAxiom(Axiom axiom)
          Removes an axiom from the set of axioms defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeAxiom(Identifier id)
          Removes an axiom from the set of axioms defined by this ontology.
 void Instance.removeConcept(Concept memberOf)
          Removes a concept from the set of concepts that this entity is an instance of.
 void Ontology.removeConcept(Concept concept)
          Removes a particular concept from this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeConcept(Identifier id)
          Removes a particular concept from this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeInstance(Identifier id)
          Removes an instance from the list of instances defined by this ontology.
 void Concept.removeInstance(Instance inst)
          Removes an instance from the set of instances of this concept The instance will also remove this concept from the list of its concepts
 void Ontology.removeInstance(Instance instance)
          Removes an instance from the list of instances defined by this ontology.
 void Relation.removeParameter(byte pos)
          Removes a parameter from this relation's list of attributes.
 void Relation.removeParameter(Parameter param)
          The positioning of the parameters is zero-based, i.e.
 void Ontology.removeRelation(Identifier id)
          Removes a relation from the list of relations defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeRelation(Relation relation)
          Removes a relation from the list of relations defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeRelationInstance(Identifier id)
          Removes a relationInstance from the list of relationInstances defined by this ontology.
 void Relation.removeRelationInstance(RelationInstance relInst)
          Removes a relation instance from the set of instances of this relation The relation instance will also set null for as the relation it is an instance of
 void Ontology.removeRelationInstance(RelationInstance instance)
          Removes a relationInstance from the list of relationInstances defined by this ontology.
 void Concept.removeSubConcept(Concept subConcept)
          Removes a concept from the set of sub-concepts of this concept The sub concept will also remove this concept from the list of its super-concepts.
 void Relation.removeSubRelation(Relation subRel)
          Removes a relation from the set of sub-relations of this relation The sub-relation will also remove this relation from the list of its super-relations
 void Concept.removeSuperConcept(Concept superConcept)
          Removes a concept from the set of super-concepts of this concept The super concept will also remove this concept from the list of its sub-concepts.
 void Relation.removeSuperRelation(Relation superRel)
          Removes a relation from the set of super-relations of this relation The super-relation will also remove this relation from the list of its sub-relations
 void Attribute.removeType(Type type)
          Removes a Type for this attribute.
 void OntologyElement.setOntology(Ontology ontology)
          Sets the ontology containing this entity Note that a call to setOntology() i.e.
 void RelationInstance.setParameterValue(byte pos, Value value)
          Sets the value of the specieifed Parameter to be the specified ParameterValue object.
 void RelationInstance.setRelation(Relation memberOf)
          Sets the relation this relation instance is an instance of.

Uses of InvalidModelException in org.wsmo.common

Methods in org.wsmo.common that throw InvalidModelException
 void Entity.addNFPValue(IRI key, Identifier value)
          Adds a value to the list of values associated with this key.
 void Entity.addNFPValue(IRI key, Value value)
          Adds a value to the list of values associated with this key.
 void Entity.removeNFP(IRI key)
          Removes a NFP (e.g.
 void Entity.removeNFPValue(IRI key, Identifier value)
          Removes a value from the list of values associated with a specific key.
 void Entity.removeNFPValue(IRI key, Value value)
          Removes a value from the list of values associated with a specific key.

Uses of InvalidModelException in org.wsmo.factory

Methods in org.wsmo.factory that throw InvalidModelException
 Instance WsmoFactory.createInstance(Identifier id, Concept concept)
          Creates a new Instance object.
 RelationInstance WsmoFactory.createRelationInstance(Identifier id, Relation rel)
          Creates a new RelationInstance object.
 RelationInstance WsmoFactory.createRelationInstance(Relation rel)
          Creates a new RelationInstance object.

Uses of InvalidModelException in org.wsmo.mediator

Methods in org.wsmo.mediator that throw InvalidModelException
 void Mediator.addSource(IRI iri)
          add a source component to this mediator.
 void Mediator.removeSource(IRI iri)
          remove a source component from this mediator.
 void Mediator.setMediationService(IRI medServiceID)
          Sets the ID of the service which performs the actual mediation.
 void Mediator.setTarget(IRI target)
          Sets the target component of this mediator.

Uses of InvalidModelException in org.wsmo.service

Methods in org.wsmo.service that throw InvalidModelException
 void Capability.addAssumption(Axiom axiom)
          Adds an assumption to the list of assumptions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.addEffect(Axiom axiom)
          Adds an effect to the list of effects of this capability.
 void Capability.addPostCondition(Axiom axiom)
          Adds a new post-condition to the list of post-conditions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.addPreCondition(Axiom axiom)
          Adds a pre-condition to the list of pre-conditions of this capability.
 void Capability.addSharedVariable(Variable var)
          Adds a new shared variable to the list of variables used by the logical expressions of this capability.
 void Capability.removeAssumption(Axiom axiom)
          Removes an assumption from the list of assumptions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removeAssumption(Identifier id)
          Removes an assumption from the list of assumptions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removeEffect(Axiom axiom)
          Removes an effect from the list of effects associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removeEffect(Identifier id)
          Removes an effect from the list of effects associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removePostCondition(Axiom axiom)
          Removes a post-condition from the list of post-conditions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removePostCondition(Identifier id)
          Removes a post-condition from the list of post-conditions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removePreCondition(Axiom axiom)
          Removes a pre-condition from the list of pre-conditions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removePreCondition(Identifier id)
          Removes a pre-condition from the list of pre-conditions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removeSharedVariable(String name)
          Removes a shared variable from the list of variables used by the logical expressions of this capability.
 void Capability.removeSharedVariable(Variable var)
          Removes a shared variable from the list of variables used by the logical expressions of this capability.

Uses of InvalidModelException in org.wsmo.wsml

Methods in org.wsmo.wsml that throw InvalidModelException
 TopEntity[] Parser.parse(Reader src)
          Parses the input data consisted of Ontology, Goal, Mediator or WebServices definitions.
 TopEntity[] Parser.parse(Reader src, Map options)
          Parses the input data consisted of Ontology, Goal, Mediator or WebServices definitions.
 TopEntity[] Parser.parse(StringBuffer src)
          Parses the input data consisted of Ontology, Goal, Mediator or WebServices definitions.
 TopEntity[] Parser.parse(StringBuffer src, Map options)
          Parses the input data consisted of Ontology, Goal, Mediator or WebServices definitions.

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