Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogicalExpression

Uses of LogicalExpression in org.omwg.logicalexpression

Subinterfaces of LogicalExpression in org.omwg.logicalexpression
 interface Atom
          This interface represents an atom with a n-ary domain, where n is the arity of the predicate represented.
 interface AtomicExpression
          This interface represents an atomic expression.
 interface AttributeConstraintMolecule
          Represents a constraining attribute molecule (e.g.
 interface AttributeInferenceMolecule
          Represents a inferring attribute molecule (e.g.
 interface AttributeMolecule
          Represents the super class of all molecules containing attributes: (a[b hasValue c] or a[b ofType c] or a[b impliesType c])
 interface AttributeValueMolecule
          Represents a value attribute molecule (e.g.
 interface Binary
          This interface represents all binary logical expressions, as e.g.
 interface BuiltInAtom
          Built in atoms represent such atom that are defined as built-in.
 interface CompoundExpression
          Representing Compound Expressions.
 interface CompoundMolecule
          Represents a compound molecule which is a container for simple molecules E.g., "x subConceptOf {y,z}" or "a[b hasValue c] memberOf d".
 interface Conjunction
          This interface represents specific kind of Binary.
 interface Constraint
          This interface stand for a specific kind of Unary, a contraint.
 interface Disjunction
          This interface represents specific kind of Binary.
 interface Equivalence
          This interface represents specific kind of Binary.
 interface ExistentialQuantification
          This interface represents quantified logical expressions, i.e.
 interface Implication
          This interface represents specific kind of Binary.
 interface InverseImplication
          This interface represents specific kind of Binary.
 interface LogicProgrammingRule
          This interface stand for a specific kind of Binary, a logic programming rule.
 interface MembershipMolecule
          Represents a molecule of the form "a memberOf b"
 interface Molecule
          This interface stands for a molecule
 interface Negation
          This interface stand for a specific kind of Unary, a negation.
 interface NegationAsFailure
 interface Quantified
          This interface represents quantified logical expressions, i.e.
 interface SubConceptMolecule
          Represents a Molecule of the Form "a subConceptOf b"
 interface Unary
          This interface stands for unary logical expressions, which consequently have a single operand.
 interface UniversalQuantification
          This interface represents quantified logical expressions, i.e.

Methods in org.omwg.logicalexpression that return LogicalExpression
 LogicalExpression Binary.getLeftOperand()
 LogicalExpression Unary.getOperand()
 LogicalExpression Binary.getRightOperand()

Methods in org.omwg.logicalexpression that return types with arguments of type LogicalExpression
 List<LogicalExpression> CompoundExpression.listOperands()

Methods in org.omwg.logicalexpression with parameters of type LogicalExpression
 void Binary.setLeftOperand(LogicalExpression le)
 void Unary.setOperand(LogicalExpression le)
 void Binary.setRightOperand(LogicalExpression le)

Method parameters in org.omwg.logicalexpression with type arguments of type LogicalExpression
 void CompoundExpression.setOperands(List<LogicalExpression> operands)

Uses of LogicalExpression in org.omwg.ontology

Methods in org.omwg.ontology that return types with arguments of type LogicalExpression
 Set<LogicalExpression> Axiom.listDefinitions()

Methods in org.omwg.ontology with parameters of type LogicalExpression
 void Axiom.addDefinition(LogicalExpression definition)
 void Axiom.removeDefinition(LogicalExpression le)

Uses of LogicalExpression in org.wsmo.factory

Methods in org.wsmo.factory that return LogicalExpression
 LogicalExpression LogicalExpressionFactory.createLogicalExpression(String expr)
          Creates a LogicalExpression object from string.
 LogicalExpression LogicalExpressionFactory.createLogicalExpression(String expr, TopEntity nsHolder)
          Creates a Logical Expression object from a string given a particular namespace context of a TopEntity

Methods in org.wsmo.factory with parameters of type LogicalExpression
 Conjunction LogicalExpressionFactory.createConjunction(LogicalExpression exprLeft, LogicalExpression exprRight)
          Creates a conjunction (e.g.
 Constraint LogicalExpressionFactory.createConstraint(LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a constraint
 Disjunction LogicalExpressionFactory.createDisjunction(LogicalExpression exprLeft, LogicalExpression exprRight)
          Creates a disjunction (e.g.
 Equivalence LogicalExpressionFactory.createEquivalence(LogicalExpression exprLeft, LogicalExpression exprRight)
          Creates a Equivalence implication (e.g.
 ExistentialQuantification LogicalExpressionFactory.createExistentialQuantification(Set<Variable> variables, LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a existentialy quantified expression (e.g.
 ExistentialQuantification LogicalExpressionFactory.createExistentialQuantification(Variable variable, LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a universally quantified expression (e.g.
 Implication LogicalExpressionFactory.createImplication(LogicalExpression exprLeft, LogicalExpression exprRight)
          Creates a Implication (e.g.
 InverseImplication LogicalExpressionFactory.createInverseImplication(LogicalExpression exprLeft, LogicalExpression exprRight)
          Creates a InverseImplication (e.g.
 LogicProgrammingRule LogicalExpressionFactory.createLogicProgrammingRule(LogicalExpression exprLeft, LogicalExpression exprRight)
          Creates a LogicProgrammingRule (e.g.
 Negation LogicalExpressionFactory.createNegation(LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a negation (e.g.
 NegationAsFailure LogicalExpressionFactory.createNegationAsFailure(LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a naf (e.g.
 UniversalQuantification LogicalExpressionFactory.createUniversalQuantification(Set<Variable> variables, LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a universally quantified expression (e.g.
 UniversalQuantification LogicalExpressionFactory.createUniversalQuantification(Variable variable, LogicalExpression expr)
          creates a universally quantified expression (e.g.

Uses of LogicalExpression in org.wsmo.validator

Methods in org.wsmo.validator that return LogicalExpression
 LogicalExpression LogicalExpressionError.getLogExp()
          Returns the part of the logical expression in which the violation occured.

Methods in org.wsmo.validator with parameters of type LogicalExpression
 String WsmlValidator.determineVariant(LogicalExpression logExpr, List<ValidationError> errorMessages, List<ValidationWarning> warningMessages)
          Determines the Variant of a logical expression
 boolean WsmlValidator.isValid(LogicalExpression logExpr, String variant, List<ValidationError> errorMessages, List<ValidationWarning> warningMessages)
          Checks whether a logical expression is valid.

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