Uses of Interface

Packages that use Identifier

Uses of Identifier in org.omwg.logicalexpression

Methods in org.omwg.logicalexpression that return Identifier
 Identifier Atom.getIdentifier()
          The returned Identifier represents the name of the predicate.

Uses of Identifier in org.omwg.ontology

Methods in org.omwg.ontology that return Identifier
 Identifier Attribute.getInverseOf()
          Returns the inverse attribute of this attribute.

Methods in org.omwg.ontology that return types with arguments of type Identifier
 Map<Identifier,Set<Value>> Instance.listAttributeValues()
          Returns all attribute values for this instance.

Methods in org.omwg.ontology with parameters of type Identifier
 void Instance.addAttributeValue(Identifier id, Value value)
          Adds a new attribute value to the list of values associated with the specified attribute of this instance.
 Attribute Concept.createAttribute(Identifier id)
          Create an Attribute for a Concept
 Set<Attribute> Instance.findAttributeDefinitions(Identifier id)
          Search this concept and all super concepts for a specified attribute.
 Set<Attribute> Concept.findAttributes(Identifier id)
          Searches for all attributes with the specified ID.
 Axiom Ontology.findAxiom(Identifier id)
          Finds an axiom in the set of axioms defined by this ontology (returns NULL if none found).
 Concept Ontology.findConcept(Identifier id)
          Finds a concept in the set of concepts defined by this ontology (returns null if none found).
 Set<Entity> Ontology.findEntity(Identifier id)
          Finds an object (axiom, concept, function, instance, relation, etc), returns NULL if none found.
 Instance Ontology.findInstance(Identifier id)
          Finds an instance in the set of instances defined by this ontology (returns NULL if none found).
 Relation Ontology.findRelation(Identifier id)
          Finds a relation in the set of relations defined by this ontology (returns NULL if none found).
 RelationInstance Ontology.findRelationInstance(Identifier id)
          Finds a relation instance in the set of relation instances defined by this ontology (returns NULL if none found).
 Set<Value> Instance.listAttributeValues(Identifier key)
          Returns a list of values of a specified attribute.
 void Concept.removeAttribute(Identifier identifier)
          Removes an attribute from this concept's list of attributes.
 void Instance.removeAttributeValue(Identifier key, Value value)
          Removes a particular value associated with an attribute within this instance.
 void Instance.removeAttributeValues(Identifier id)
          Clears all the values associated with a particular attribute of this instance.
 void Ontology.removeAxiom(Identifier id)
          Removes an axiom from the set of axioms defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeConcept(Identifier id)
          Removes a particular concept from this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeInstance(Identifier id)
          Removes an instance from the list of instances defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeRelation(Identifier id)
          Removes a relation from the list of relations defined by this ontology.
 void Ontology.removeRelationInstance(Identifier id)
          Removes a relationInstance from the list of relationInstances defined by this ontology.
 void Attribute.setInverseOf(Identifier id)
          Sets this attribute to be inverse of another attribute.

Uses of Identifier in org.wsmo.common

Subinterfaces of Identifier in org.wsmo.common
 interface IRI
          An interface representing an Internationalised Resource Identifier.
 interface UnnumberedAnonymousID
          An interface representing an anonymous unnumbered identifier

Methods in org.wsmo.common that return Identifier
 Identifier Entity.getIdentifier()
          Returns the ID of this entity.

Methods in org.wsmo.common with parameters of type Identifier
 void Entity.addNFPValue(IRI key, Identifier value)
          Adds a value to the list of values associated with this key.
 void Entity.removeNFPValue(IRI key, Identifier value)
          Removes a value from the list of values associated with a specific key.

Uses of Identifier in org.wsmo.datastore

Methods in org.wsmo.datastore with parameters of type Identifier
 Set<Entity> DataStore.load(Identifier id)
          Loads an Entity given its identifier
 Entity DataStore.load(Identifier id, Class clazz)
          Loads an Entity given its identifier
 void DataStore.remove(Identifier id)
          Remove all entities identified by the provided Identifier from the Datastore
 void DataStore.remove(Identifier id, Class clazz)
          Remove an entity identified by its Identifier and class type from the Datastore.

Uses of Identifier in org.wsmo.factory

Methods in org.wsmo.factory with parameters of type Identifier
 Atom LogicalExpressionFactory.createAtom(Identifier id, List<Term> params)
          creates an atom (e.g.
 Axiom WsmoFactory.createAxiom(Identifier id)
          Creates a new Axiom object.
 Concept WsmoFactory.createConcept(Identifier id)
          Creates a new Concept object.
 Instance WsmoFactory.createInstance(Identifier id)
          Creates a new Instance object.
 Instance WsmoFactory.createInstance(Identifier id, Concept concept)
          Creates a new Instance object.
 Relation WsmoFactory.createRelation(Identifier id)
          Creates a new Relation object.
 RelationInstance WsmoFactory.createRelationInstance(Identifier id, Relation rel)
          Creates a new RelationInstance object.
 Axiom WsmoFactory.getAxiom(Identifier id)
          Return existing Axiom instance
 Concept WsmoFactory.getConcept(Identifier id)
          Return existing Concept insatnce
 Instance WsmoFactory.getInstance(Identifier id)
          Return existing Instance object
 Relation WsmoFactory.getRelation(Identifier id)
          Return existing Relation object
 RelationInstance WsmoFactory.getRelationInstance(Identifier id)
          Return existing RelationInstance object

Uses of Identifier in org.wsmo.locator

Methods in org.wsmo.locator with parameters of type Identifier
 Set LocatorManager.lookup(Identifier id)
          Attempts to find an entity based on its IRI.
 Set<Entity> Locator.lookup(Identifier id)
          Attempts to find an entity based on its IRI.
 Entity LocatorManager.lookup(Identifier id, Class clazz)
          Attempts to find an entity based on its IRI.
 Entity Locator.lookup(Identifier id, Class clazz)
          Attempts to find an entity based on its IRI and the type of entity of interest.

Uses of Identifier in org.wsmo.service

Methods in org.wsmo.service with parameters of type Identifier
 Choreography Interface.createChoreography(Identifier id)
          Creates a new Choreography object.
 Orchestration Interface.createOrchestration(Identifier id)
          Creates a new Orchestration object.
 void Capability.removeAssumption(Identifier id)
          Removes an assumption from the list of assumptions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removeEffect(Identifier id)
          Removes an effect from the list of effects associated with this capability.
 void ServiceDescription.removeInterface(Identifier id)
          Removes the specified interface from the list of iterfaces of this WebService/Goal.
 void Capability.removePostCondition(Identifier id)
          Removes a post-condition from the list of post-conditions associated with this capability.
 void Capability.removePreCondition(Identifier id)
          Removes a pre-condition from the list of pre-conditions associated with this capability.

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